Saturday, April 30, 2016

One Ultimate Authority

2. For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority — a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern. ~ Tradition 2, Overeaters Anonymous
Authority is everywhere,
in the teenage babysitter,
in parents, teachers,
the chair of a meeting...
even Roberts Rules of Order,
in the constitution, bylaws,
signs on doors and walls...
We know authority.
I've joked for years about my coffee mug,
that "She who must be obeyed"
worked at the office, not home.
Authorities abound. How can there be
a single ultimate authority for a whole group?
Especially when the group won't even say
what kind of god!
But it doesn't matter what kind of God!
Every single person can understand
the power that heals differently.
But it's how that Power, that god,
however each person understands,
in the context of the group conscience
If each of us have our Power,
no matter how different,
then that Power guides the group
to the right answer proving
in the process that that amorphous
amalgamated god really is
the ultimate authority
and all the authority we need.

Friday, April 29, 2016

A Team Player

I also learned in program that I am enough. When a sports team manager assembles a team, he or she looks to combine a number of players into a single unit. The manager does not expect a group of perfect players who play perfectly every time; rather, the manager collects individuals with different strengths who will complement the team as a whole. The manager wants every player’s unique touch when that touch is especially needed. ~ Overeaters Anonymous, Third Edition (Kindle Locations 1185-1188).
I'm seldom alone, and when I am, it's by choice.
I can always find people. I can't always find myself.
I have strengths. But I'm so glad people around me
have others, complementary, accessorizing, or the main thing.
Others remember names, correct me when I screw up dates,
remind me to do what I intended to do...and forgot.
It would be boring if everyone had the skills I have...
and scary, because who would do the math?
It's maddening when I forget to ask for help
and believe myself overwhelmed, while all around
are folks who would be honored to do a share.
I have talents. I have weaknesses. Others are weak
when my strength shines. Still more can simply do
what I spend hours doing and am embarrassed by the result.
I am not the alpha and the omega. I can do a decent job
of J's, of D's. Of these, not those. I can do my part
and be part of the team. I cannot be the team and leave all others
to be the cheering section. Because when I try, I don't win.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Worse than Bad

In the beginning I felt only that I didn’t fit in; by the end I was a complete outsider. ~ Overeaters Anonymous, Third Edition (Kindle Locations 1165-1166).
Just wait, it will get better. Or so they say.
But does it? Not automatically. Oh, yes,
eventually everything runs a course,
circles back, swings the pendulum.
But sometimes it feels like forever
that you've been stuck at that point or,
worse, trying to hold to bad while sliding,
slipping, careening towards beastly.
And it makes it worse because you expect it
because you deserve it because if you didn't
then surely something would have let up
on the relentless wretchedness.
But there's good news! That's lack of power,
powerlessness. It's the inability to cope,
unmanageability. It's the bottom rung,
the lowest low, rock bottom, the pit.
And from there, if you find the right people,
if you discover a simple program,
you can begin the journey,
made possible simply because
you reached the underbelly.
And then you take a proffered hand
and find your way to a high as high
as your low was low.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Strangers in the Family

How can you love a  stranger?
Oh, of course if you go to the Big Big Book
you're to love everybody, neighbors,
one another, even your enemy.
But really, a stranger?
Yet, experience shows it's true.
I've watched newcomers in the rooms
for years. Reluctant, downcast eyes,
nervous, often with tears ready
if not falling. And my own experience
as a newcomer among strangers,
scared yet amazed at hearing them speak,
as they told my own story, sounding like me
but full of hope, of joy, of recovery...
I remember when the newcomer was me
and love them now knowing their pain
and already love how they will blossom
if they keep coming back.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


    My Part

    You hurt me.
    You didn’t hit me,
    cause pain, break the skin,
    loosen a tooth.
    You scared me
    when you pinned me
    against the wall…
    more than 35 years ago
    and I still hold a grudge,
    think less of you for it,
    sometimes talk about it
    but not to you, of course.
    But more than that
    over years you ridiculed me,
    humiliated me, belittled me.
    A black eye would hurt less,
    would end.
    I know what you did.
    The resentment thrives.
    But this Fourth Step thing…
    “What was my part?”
    I informed you once I’d been told
    I was passive aggressive.
    So you threw that in my face
    for years. But it’s true.
    Burning food you wanted,
    forgetting to do what you asked,
    telling others my side,
    making them hate you...
    and without knowing why
    you felt like you did,
    the context, the level.
    What is my part?
    I stay in my head.
    I don’t know your thoughts,
    your feelings, your frustration,
    and assume you would not tell me
    but don’t ask. And I react,
    make you more miserable,
    more alone, more needy
    and I believe it’s all your fault.
    But if I softly turn away your wrath
    it doesn’t grow and I’m not hurt
    and you’re not hurt.
    I will learn my part, act to end
    my hurt.
    And yours if you allow it.

    Monday, April 25, 2016

    Our Group

    We are people who normally would not mix. But there exists among us a fellowship, a friendliness, and an understanding which is indescribably wonderful. ~ Alcoholics Anonymous (Kindle Locations 390-391).
    We're an odd lot,
    a group that would never exist
    except in this fellowship.
    We sit around the circle,
    shiny Oxfords next to flip-flops,
    beside Jimmy Choo stilletos,
    by holey ratty tennies.
    Steel-toe boots, muddy,
    spread wide before the chair
    while psychedelic canvas
    aline beside the wearer's
    grandmother's black brogans.
    We're an odd lot,
    our family of choice.

    Sunday, April 24, 2016

    Until It's Not

    It's all about the food until it isn't about the food and the way to get away from it being about the food is to work the spiritual principles of the program. ~ Margie
    The spiritual principles
    of Overeaters Anonymous.
    Step One is honesty,
    stopping denying what I eat,
    ending the pretense
    it's under control.
    Step Two is hope,
    knowing when I'm hopeless
    that something greater
    has the power, the hope.
    Step Three is faith,
    believing that power
    if given the chance
    could make it so,
    could keep it from being
    all about the food.
    Step Four is courage,
    facing the farce,
    accepting the facts.
    Step Five is integrity,
    finally admitting the dirt
    I've tried all my life to deny.
    Step Six is willingness,
    stepping beyond knowledge
    to actually moving the right way.
    Step Seven is humility
    because by now I'm certain
    I haven't it in me, could never do it.
    Step Eight is self-discipline
    for while I can't do the right
    I can stop doing the wrong.
    Step Nine is love which comes,
    flows, emerges from confession,
    from admitting wrongs.
    Step Ten is perseverance,
    dropping counting the days
    to living them one at a time.
    Step Eleven is spiritual awareness,
    understanding that Power
    can communicate, both hear
    and direct.
    Step Twelve is service,
    for the way for it really not to be
    all about the food is to help others see
    if they persevere in the steps
    it's only all about the food
    until it's not all about the food.

    Saturday, April 23, 2016

    Simple as ABC

    Abstinence becomes comfortable 
    despite fears grafted heavy-handedly 
    into jaded kindred liabilities 
    memorialized neatly onto
    premonitions quarreling,
    raucously smoothed
    through understanding
    uplifting words explored,
    yearning for the Zenith.  

    Friday, April 22, 2016

    Hope for the Moment

    None of the diets gave hope for a lifetime, just hope for the moment. ~ Joan B
    How can we be without hope
    when we prove over and over again
    that every diet works, some more than others,
    but that for the most part, there's a valid plan
    at the core of each of them?
    How can we continue month after month
    to believe this time, finally, we've got the plan
    to end all diets, the pathway to freedom from fat,
    the road to being normal and happy and whole?
    Because it's not a problem we developed suddenly,
    a need to react to the failings of a few months,
    the accumulation of an extra dress-size full,
    the shrinking of all clothes in the size we once wore.
    It's a problem we've dealt with from childhood --
    at least most of us have -- and even for those
    who grew to adults at normal size have suffered long,
    have failed at dieting. But when diets don't work
    where do you go? To the program that does work,
    the one that changes not only the body
    but the emotions and the mind. The plan that works.
    And when we take that last step, we find hope.
    Not hope that hangs up its hat at despair, at ineptitude,
    at inability to diet that intensifies diet by diet...
    Hope that works, that we see evidence of in lives around us,
    that moves us slowly sometimes, at breakneck speed at others,
    to the whole person we want to be!
    diet books

    Thursday, April 21, 2016


    Courage is something you shouldn't be afraid to have. ~ Major Frank Burns
    Courage. The ability to do
    that which frightens you.
    Strength in the face of pain,
    confronting guilt. Bravery.
    Pluck. Guilt. Facing Fear.This short word somehow touches 
    about every aspect of our lives. 
    It was an evil and corroding thread; 
    the fabric of our existence 
    was shot through with it. 
    It set in motion trains of circumstances 
    which brought us misfortune 
    we felt we didn’t deserve. 
    But did not we, ourselves, set the ball rolling?
    The short word fear.
    That's all it is, a word.
    A word that yields to growth,
    to working the steps,
    to recovery. And it's true.
    Courage is something
    you shouldn't be afraid
    to have.

    Wednesday, April 20, 2016

    To Those Still Suffering

    It was my job, my responsibility.
    I had worked the Steps,
    realized the Promises true,
    even for me! And,
    as the result of working the Steps,
    I had a spiritual awakening.
    But did I bog down there?
    Did I fail to carry the message?
    Certainly I knew compulsive eaters,
    folks I knew needed this program
    desperately. I knew them.
    I knew they were killing themselves
    engulfed in the hopelessness
    of this awful disease. I knew them.
    I knew Pete. I watched him
    as diabetes devoured him,
    finger by toe by foot...
    by heart and lungs and body.
    Did I do what I could to carry the message
    to Pete? He haunts me. And won't answer
    even when I go to leave flowers
    on the stone.

    Tuesday, April 19, 2016

    Wanted: A God I Understand

    Position available immediately.
    God wanted, a challenging position
    available only to exactly the right deity.
    Must understand I have more to do
    that be at the beck and call
    of an impatient god. Close supervision
    is not desired. An understanding spirit,
    one who would eschew pulling me away
    from other pursuits. An intelligent being,
    worthy of respect, one who knows how much
    I bring to the equation, one who respects me.
    One who recognizes my leadership potential.
    Not a micromanager, but a giver of advice,
    an avatar to turn to for analysis, for strategizing. 
    Come to think of it: Wanted, a figurehead
    I can claim to believe in, one I can point to
    but one that leaves me alone on my own,
    merely telling me I make a convincing
    divinity. I'll hold on to this need
    until my desperation allows my real search
    for a Power Greater than I.

    Monday, April 18, 2016

    Power Within You

    The power within you is far greater than the problem before you. ~ Elaine L's sponsor
    When I was young, well at least 55 years younger,
    J. B. Phillips said, Your God Is Too Small.Then he talked about a Resident Policeman,
    Parental Hangovers, The Grand Old Man,
    a Meek and Mild God..even the God-In-A-Box.
    Lots of pale, weak, unreal gods who really were small.
    But the folks he talked to had it wrong.
    Their Gods were not too small, but instead
    their perceptions of God were. For the real god
    can't be described as small although he's inside
    a quark rollicking around inside an atom
    ricocheting off the protons and gluons.
    But he's so massive he's not in the universe
    but the universe is in him.
    No matter how small our God may seem
    he towers over our problems
    like a supernova dwarfs a green pea.
    And the problems we perceive as massive
    rest well inside that pea.

    Sunday, April 17, 2016

    One Minute Two Minutes

    What's the problem?
    We know that, are eager
    to enlighten you,
    to tell you how we suffer,
    to share our indignation,
    our anger, our discomfort.
    And we should...for a minute.
    In sixty seconds we should
    be able to explain the issue,
    to set out the facts, the dilemma.1minuteproblem
    But if you have three minutes,
    that one is adequate.
    Then you have a hundred twenty
    second more to set out the solution,
    to illustrate how program principles
    address the issue.

    Saturday, April 16, 2016

    In HP's Hands

    Faith, to be sure, is necessary, but faith alone can avail nothing. We can have faith, yet keep God out of our lives. Therefore our problem now becomes just how and by what specific means shall we be able to let Him in? ~ Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions (Kindle Locations 321-323). AA
    Just how and by what specific means
    can we let HP in? "We can have faith,
    yet keep God out of our lives."
    Haven't we practiced that, we children
    grown up in the church to be addicts?
    God, take away this fat. God, help me
    to stay on this diet, not like all the rest.
    God, I want to be thin! And I want it NOW!
    Step Three says to turn our will and lives over.
    Yeah, sure! So what has changed to do that?
    But it can be done. By beginning.
    A tenth of a baby step even if you don't know how.
    There's a lock in a door where the key
    is willingness. That, we can find, at least a bit,
    and as soon as that key is placed in the lock
    it opens, however slightly, and we can always
    open it more. And when we do that,
    we've done what we needed to do,
    and the beginning is made
    to turn our will and lives over to HP.

    Friday, April 15, 2016

    The Key Word in Amends

    A sponsor told me the key word in "amends" is "mend." ~ Vicki W
    Amend means to change. The change that is amends
    is mending, healing, repairing, stitching together, healing.
    Perhaps the damage done is ages old, from early childhood,
    a time before you could have consciously offended.
    Perhaps the actor did the best she could and failed,
    overwhelmed by personal trauma, by fears and phobias,
    by life lived hard without sufficient protection. Whose fault?
    What does it matter, if your side of the street is as clean as you can do?
    You need amends for  you. And if you have to patch, darn,
    cobble together, tie up with string, it's to your good
    to change, to mend, to heal. The key word in "amends"
    is surely "mend."

    Thursday, April 14, 2016

    Elastic Time

    Too full a month, a week, a day.
    Things to do, lists to make to do all
    the things to do. Twenty-four hours,
    A thousand four hundred forty minutes,
    Eighty-six thousand four hundred seconds,
    all of them full, all committed, all spent
    before they happen. Then the call.
    What are you doing tomorrow?He had an appointment, it's a question
    seldom ever asked. Therefore, important.
    Nothing that can't be dropped.
    Waiting rooms, hospital smells,
    hurry up, wait, answer these questions
    at least sixteen times. Things to do
    diminish, ease, aren't really that important.
    Three hundred seventy-two minutes,
    forever long. Time stands still
    and the things important emerge done,
    the list is manageable in the new day's light.
    Elastic time. All will be done. Trust
    that you can find elastic time.

    Wednesday, April 13, 2016


    God grant me serenity
    is my plea, my prayer,
    not to be carefree
    but to breathe, to be,
    to dwell free,
    no need to foresee,
    pleased with life
    willing to see
    who you would
    have me be.
    Copyright: thesupe87 / 123RF Stock Photo
    Copyright: thesupe87 / 123RF Stock Photo

    Tuesday, April 12, 2016

    An Action Plan

    An action plan is the process of identifying and implementing attainable actions that are necessary to support our individual abstinence. Just like our plan of eating, it may vary widely among members and may need to be adjusted to bring structure, balance, and manageability into our lives. ~The Tools of Recovery pamphlet
    What's an action?
    Certainly a physical workout,
    a walk, a time of yoga,
    gym machines.
    But writing three gratitudes?
    Sitting outside in the sun,
    pondering, listening?
    Calling people you've met,
    those you know well
    and others you really don't know?
    Writing morning pages?
    Reading from three pieces of literature
    every day?
    Taking a bath when you want food?
    Going to a meeting early
    to put out chairs?
    Yes. That's an action plan,
    any part of it or several
    or other things entirely.
    And that Action Plan is a tool,
    a tool of Recovery,
    a way to grow healthy
    physically, mentally,
    and spiritually.

    Monday, April 11, 2016

    Absolutely Not!

    You shouldn't consider
    asking me to accept
    a service position I can't do.
    Look how many are
    better able. I can't.
    I'm not qualified,
    would fall on my face,
    get us into such a state
    we'd be sued and bankrupt,
    defunct and discontinued.
    Dormant. That's where
    you don't want to go
    and where I don't want
    to lead you, but I can't help it,
    that's where I'd fail to.
    I can't do this. You shouldn't ask.
    You can't expect me
    to submit my name
    merely to fail. You can't ask it.
    I can't do it. You know I can't.
    But I don't know I can't.

    Sunday, April 10, 2016

    Reaching Out Our Hands

      12. Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, films, television and other public media of communication. ~ OA Tradition 11
    Don't tell them what you want to shout to the world.
    Don't do what you know how to do to publicize, to announce,
    to attract.
    I have a relationship with a disk jockey, a friendship,
    and he'd let me come talk about what I'm doing,
    what many people need to know we're doing a few days out.
    But then it's about me. And it's not about me.
    I have to trust that the truth will be told,
    that people who want to know, who need to know
    will learn of the opportunity. I have to trust.
    But I trust in a Power greater than me
    and that Power's ability to use me and others,
    to get the word out, to let people know
    something great is coming to town!

    Saturday, April 9, 2016

    I Don't Want To

    I would rather do anything...
    everything...whatever it takes...
    not to have to resign
    as your sponsor. I'm not the best.
    Sometimes I feel like the worst,
    but I know that's the disease
    taking over my thoughts and mouth,
    my heart and will. It's not me
    and I need not quit, need merely
    try more diligently to be there,
    to listen, to share what works for me,
    to care. I want to be there
    but it's necessary when I fail
    to maintain abstinence, to not just slip
    but fall on my face and quit trying.
    When I'm not abstinent
    I'm not a proper sponsor
    so, while I hate to resign,
    I'll hold that thought in my mind
    and use it as my strength
    to hold onto abstinence
    and not have to write
    an apology such as this.
    Copyright: micro10x / 123RF Stock Photo
    Copyright: micro10x / 123RF Stock Photo

    Friday, April 8, 2016

    All In the Family

    Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation. ~ Exodus 34:7b (NIV)
    The sins of the father lead to children punished?
    That's not fair! I sat in court with a father today,
    his juvenile son had been in the same seat before,
    wasn't today. This was the day of the father.
    The father who wasn't in court when the son was.
    The father subpoenaed to come, but the grandmother went
    so why should the father? He'd signed a piece of paper,
    said she should have rights to the child. I asked just why
    he should be excused. And whether his son should be,
    if somebody else did the right thing but he did the wrong.
    How can a child learn responsibility from a parent
    who has none? ...who figures he can talk fast
    and the stuff won't stick? The sins of the fathers.
    Mother and Daddy raised us as well as they could.
    But Mother's insecurities, her angst, are part of my heritage.
    Daddy couldn't remember names, and I surely can't.
    But do I have more than their characteristics?
    Did decisions they made, the best they could at the time,
    make my life different? If Mother hadn't taken her chubby girl,
    pigtails and all, to the doctor, asked for diet pills
    for the thirteen-year-old, would I have become thin,
    as thin as my sisters?
    We make mistakes. Sometimes we fall flat on our faces.
    But if we pass our sins on, surely we often, too,
    pass on concepts of good, snippets of nobility, a path to joy.
    I was not made by my parents. I played a far larger role than they.
    But I can be grateful for the positive and know they didn't mean
    to damage me. Any more than I did my children.
    It's all in the family. Thank God for the ability to rectify
    the tidbits we don't want to keep.

    Thursday, April 7, 2016

    My Idea

    I had a plan,
    an excellent idea,
    to repair my life,
    to become for once
    all I had ever hoped
    to be.
    I had a plan
    and tried for years...
    for decades...
    but I could not repair
    the wreck I made
    of my life.
    But I knew a Power,
    not that I'd noticed much,
    who had an idea.
    And when I yielded
    to the Powerful Idea
    my life became...

    Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    Look at Me

    Look at you,
    once miserable like me,
    now happy, peaceful,
    full of serenity.
    Look at God! He's not at all
    like I learned at Mother's knee,
    he's real, he cares,
    he knows what's best for me.
    Look at those I've hated, feared,
    who wrecked my life for years.
    They didn't mean to tear me up,
    it's how my needs
    interefered with theirs.
    Look at me,
    pitiful wretch
    afraid of being me.
    I'm now becoming
    what I'd longed to be.

    Tuesday, April 5, 2016

    How to Change a Relationship

    All my relationships changed the day I started accepting people exactly as they are. ~ Voices of Recovery (Kindle Location 1126).
    It was my job to change you
    and I'd do it any way I could.
    Passively aggressive, my favorite,
    though followed closely
    by co-dependency, trying,
    ever trying, to do what I could
    to make you love me, to see
    my worthiness, my goodness,
    by way for you to behave,
    and failing, bouncing back
    to being intrusive, controlling,
    It was my job to change you
    but finally I learned better, wiser.
    I learned what you think of me
    is none of my business.
    What I think of you
    is also none of my business.
    You have the right to be you.
    And when I accept that, we change.
    I change, and you change,
    and at long last
    we can actually communicate!

    Monday, April 4, 2016

    I'll Grant You That

    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.
    God, give me, allow me, transfer to me
    as my right, award me, permit me,
    endow me, confer, bestow on me...
    Is that what I'm asking? Is it a request
    or a demand? How can I be so impertinent?
    How? Did you not say, "Ask,
    and it will be given" and "If you believe,
    you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer”?
    Step Eleven says, "praying only
    for knowledge of His will for us
    and the power to carry that out."
    Is not this the purpose of the Serenity Prayer?
    Is God not saying to us, "I'll grant you that."?

    Sunday, April 3, 2016

    A Plastic Disk

    Thirty Days, Sixty, Ninety,
    Six Months, Seven Years,
    Thirty-Four. Plastic.
    Cheap...even lots of years,
    a few bucks.
    A plastic disk.
    It can be the achievement
    to remember forever
    or something scary,
    public recognition
    when you feel unworthy,
    something to drive you
    away from the goal,
    to take you back to safe.
    No matter the meaning,
    it has meaning well beyond
    a cheap plastic disk.

    Saturday, April 2, 2016


    Humble, according to the dictionary, is “the state of reflecting, expressing, or offering in a spirit of deference.” ~  Voices of Recovery (Kindle Locations 2088-2089)
    So, what does deference mean?
    Respect, submission, surrender,
    accession. "To have respect for ourselves
    guides our morals; to have deference
    for others governs our manners."1
    "Great men always pay deference to greater."2
    "Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings."
    Who's in charge here? Who chooses what defects
    will be removed. Not I, said the wise one.
    There is a Power Greater than I who deserves
    respect, submission, surrender, accession.
    It's not our decision which defects, when, or how.
    We just get to stand in awe when we let go enough
    for the miracle to happen.

    1. Laurence Stearn, 2. Walter Savage Landor

    Friday, April 1, 2016

    A Life Sentence

    Guilty of gluttony,
    an affidavit of the facts?
    A court reporter's fingers
    would ache with the effort.
    The verdict? A given.
    But sentencing? How long?
    The finder of fact will know
    previously, all efforts failed
    at rehabilitation, a tough case,
    hopeless, far below standards
    expected, the effect
    of lifelong debauchery.
    It's a serious offense
    but the deliberations are easy.
    The Court finding what matters
    is the defendant is sentenced
    to abstinence, recovery, and sanity
    during the term of her natural life.
    Congratulations, and Welcome Home!