Where there’s blue lights, just read me my rights ~ lyrics, Justin Michael Weaver, Kip Moore
It's inevitable. We know it is,
for we come in angry, dejected,
knowing failure is inevitable.
We can't lick this habit, this compulsion,
this addiction to food. This obsession.
The urge will come again, will take over,
and we'll eat again, binge all night,
drive from one window to the next
getting treats, moving on so the clerk
won't thing badly of us. We come in
failures. Experienced, expert failures.
for we come in angry, dejected,
knowing failure is inevitable.
We can't lick this habit, this compulsion,
this addiction to food. This obsession.
The urge will come again, will take over,
and we'll eat again, binge all night,
drive from one window to the next
getting treats, moving on so the clerk
won't thing badly of us. We come in
failures. Experienced, expert failures.
We find hope, people like us,
really! When we thought we were unique,
oddities of nature, freaks. But we meet us,
but us, recovered. Us with hope, with joy,
laughing at the behavior that drove us crazy.
We do meet our destiny in the rooms of recovery.
But it's different, better, more that we could hope...
we're not destined to a lifetime of misery!

really! When we thought we were unique,
oddities of nature, freaks. But we meet us,
but us, recovered. Us with hope, with joy,
laughing at the behavior that drove us crazy.
We do meet our destiny in the rooms of recovery.
But it's different, better, more that we could hope...
we're not destined to a lifetime of misery!
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