Sunday, September 8, 2019

Being "Right" Is a Cage

As we move into our birthright as spiritual beings, we discover that “right” is a cage, not a freedom. Being right is a perspective, not a license for angry behavior. Each of us has a unique perspective, thank God, and therefore a unique way of being “right.” ~ P., Bill; W., Todd; S., Sara. Drop the Rock: Removing Character Defects – Steps Six and Seven (p. 50). Hazelden Publishing. Kindle Edition.
It started with a TV remote
that turns the volume up,
never down. Mike was in another room
so I researched the matter going from bad to worse.
In the process I misplaced the defective remote.
It’s frustrating and restoring sanity a challenge,
but my getting a non-defective device
come Monday and keeping my hands off
“his” control is a better solution
than squabbling. Each of us
has a unique perspective, thank God,
and therefore a unique way of being “right.”

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