Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Dirty Dishes

I still don't like dirty dishes, but I don't have to interpret them as having a deeper meaning. I am learning to take things at face value. Sometimes dirty dishes are just dirty dishes. ~ Courage to Change, page 27
You just don't have an idea
what I do around here,
how I slave, how you command me,
how much I lay down my life for you,
give up everything for you.
How could you expect that of me?
What do you mean you don't expect it?
How can you say you don't ask for it?
Well, maybe you don't, but you fail to do it.
You never ever do it. What do you mean
when you say I don't seem to expect it?
Don't you know I want  you to do it
before I do, that I just do it because
you're not going to?

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