Thursday, January 16, 2014

Room for Feelings

Why am I leaping into the future? Perhaps I've given my feelings no room to exist. ~ Courage to Change, page 15
Apprehensive, dread,
foreboding, fright,
panicked, petrified,
Suspicious, terrified,
wary, worried.
Aggravated, dismayed,
disgruntled, displeased
Impatient, irritated,
Dozens of feelings,
roiling up, demanding,
tying me in knots...
What to do with them,
how to control them,
how to manage something!
I've tried eating to the point of stupor,
anything to keep from feeling the feelings...
But the other way to deal, the better way
is to feel them...
And sometimes they're not bad but
compassion, love, sympathetic,
tender, proud, safe, warm, curious,
amazed, spellbound...

Sometimes feelings are fun to feel!
And they're never so destructive
as avoiding them.

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