He goes off to his high and mighty office,
draws a pittance compared to what he might
had he taken my advice. He calls it business
but when he makes no money it's a hobby,
a blasted-costly hobby!
Cat hair, dust bunnies —
he can't help but see them.
Sixteen days, and not touched.
He's gone from dawn to dusk.
He could leave me a decent place,
somewhere I feel comfortable.
But I'm so far down on his list...
Rotary, AA, Toastmasters,
volunteer work for who-knows-what...
I don't mind not being first,
but I could make the top five!
Twenty-seven days, a fluffy nest
for rats and varmints.
I sit here all day, stroll through
to the kitchen or bath – the filth!
Can't even watch my shows
for his thoughtlessness.
You'd think he'd have respect
for his own home!
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