Friday, February 1, 2019

Keep Getting Up and Win

Get up and get on with it. No matter how great your fall, get up and keep going. And if you fall again, get up again. And if you keep falling, keep getting up again. And if you keep falling and getting up again, you’ll end up crossing the finish line, and you’ll win the race. ~ Cahn, Jonathan. The Book of Mysteries (p. 344). Charisma House. Kindle Edition.
Fall, get up, pick yourself up, 
go on with your plan,
toward your destination.
There is a destination,
and if you get up each time you fall,
you will reach the goal you started to.
If you reach the finish line
you will relish the accomplishment.
You are not in the action to impress
those beside the path or even to best
those running around you.
The goal is the finish line
and you and the Power who stays with you
are the ones whose joy and love
that make crossing the finish line
fulfillment of your efforts.
Keep getting up, don’t give up,
and claim your victory
over all that matters most.

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