Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Getting Rid of the Problem

When I stopped living in the problem and began living in the answer, the problem went away. ~ "Acceptance Was the Answer" story in Alcoholics Anonymous
The problem. For some, alcohol.
For others drugs, shopping, sex,
gambling, pills, tobacco. Food for me.
The problem became a problem
because at some point we learned
to garner contentment, "love,"
respect, comfort...something good
from that behavior. Yes, it's long since
lost the appeal, ceased to deliver,
become the problem, not the answer.
But we continue, trudging on,
with behavior long since turned
from beneficial to problematic.
But it's how we've learned 
to right the wrongs, even broken,
no longer working. But there's a way out
like a puzzle working when seeming
without solution. It's turning from that
to this, from death to live,
from addiction to usefulness,
from agony to ecstasy. And it's simple.
It's to begin to live the life we choose
and that we once chose fades away
leaving us living the answer.

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