Saturday, July 7, 2018

The Greatest Gift

The greatest gift you can ever give another person is your own happiness. ~ Esther Hicks
How is your happiness a great gift
to someone else? Maybe if they love you
it makes sense, but to an acquaintance
or even a stranger? Yes! The greatest gift
you can ever give another person
is your own happiness! If you're happy,
it's contagious. Can you hear someone giggle
or laugh from the heart and not pick up
the joy, claim it as your own?
But there's a deeper truth.
When you are in a state of joy, happiness,
or appreciation, you are aligned
with the universe and the God,
the Creator, the Essence.
You are a part of that Essence,
sharing the Power, the Energy
of that awesomeness. It is then
you are truly who you were created to be
and at that moment all in your presense
experience it as well. The greatest gift
you can ever give another person
is your own happiness.

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