Tuesday, May 24, 2016

I Am Not a Crow

We have a lovely murder of crows around here.…[They will eat stale bread.]...as long as I keep reminding myself, “I’m not a crow, I’m not a dustbin." ~ Miranda O
What to do with food. Never an issue...before.
There were no leftovers worthy of us left.
Many of us were raised with reminders, starving children,
far away, don't waste the food.
But how did my eating three servings
fill any one of them? Not that I ate it all.
Oh no, anyone I fed had excess weight...
like the dog claimed from the Pound,
"Oh, is that fat dog yours?"
Of course it was. Anyone I fed ate to excesses.
But it's different now. There's a food plan.
And like the literature says, I have learned
to love myself enough to want recovery
and be willing to do the footwork required
to get and retain abstinence. 
I am not a crow.
I am not a dustbin. I love myself enough
to want recovery.

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