Thursday, May 5, 2016

Bless Your Heart

That we are able to bless one another at all is evidence that we have been blessed, whether we can remember when or not. That we are willing to bless one another is miracle enough to stagger the very stars. - Barbara Brown Taylor
The Urban Dictionary says "Bless your heart"
is a putdown. Fifteen hundred years ago
Pope Gregory prescribed "God bless you for sneezes,
symptoms of the Plague. But "bless"
packs a powerful punch with no other words.
Look at something small, insignificant,
common, an object you'd never normally notice.
Think of its contribution to life, its import,
benefits involved, and be grateful.
Then consider a stranger in the same light.
Sometimes people say, "I'm blessed"
when asked, "How are you?"
Make sure they are...because you do.
Talk to the God of your understanding
and figure out how to bless, what it means to you.
Be willing to bless one another...and stagger the stars!

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