Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The End

We always knew what the end was,
goal weight, wearing the size dress
that Mother did, fitting into the outfit
that had gone out of size, decades back,
but success was fitting it again,
looking like we wished for the big event...
we would know when we got there...
if ever there was a there there.
But reaching the end was destroyed
as the end game when we came to OA.
There were people in the group
who looked marvelous, really THERE,
but they had come for years
always there, part of the group,
still active, happy, participating,
and gradually it became evident,
they still belonged, not saying,
their name then, "Compulsive
Overeater" but the name and,
"Compulsive Eater in Recovery."
We do not know when the end is,
but one day at a time, this isn't it.

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