Monday, May 21, 2012

Point of Privilege

That parable. The one about a master,
his giving three people talents,
some more, one just one.
Of course talents weren't talents
but substantial pieces of currency
like a fortune, each one.
And the issue was investing set against hiding,
protecting, saving. I get the idea,
use what is given you, be a good steward,
but the other point, the distribution.
One guy got five to the third guy's one.
How did he feel about it?
Not at the end, not when the master's choice
seemed validated, vindicated...
How did he feel at first, getting so much more?
Was he arrogant, proud to be trusted with more?
Did he figure it his just due when it wasn't,
when the master owed them nothing.
Or was he embarrassed by the riches,
feeling guilty to have been trusted with more?
How did he justify it if self-esteem issues roiled
in his head? Did he think about the guy with one
and others left out completely?
God, I'm the man it seems like,
where talent is currency or talent.
God help me, I'm the man.
What's the point of privilege?

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