Wednesday, September 21, 2011

That NIMBY Mentality

NIMBY: Not in my backyard.
Write a list of people, institutions, and principles
I resent? Oh, yeah! That ream of paper
won’t cut it. I can tell you how this whole world
could run, oh so much better. The hateful,
vicious people all around, how selfish, how base!
Why am I angry? I’m hurt! On so many levels —
my self-esteem is crushed, I’m damaged financially,
I’m stymied in attaining my goal, my ideal,
my relationship with others is shattered,
even in the bedroom! My whole life is screwed up
because of these people, institutions, principles.
The world and its people are often quite wrong.
And it continues, ad nausem, an infinitum.
I know sometimes I messed up, made it worse,
and guilt joins the anger, so I resent everybody,
especially me.

Maybe others have the remorse, made mistakes
like mine. They could even think I’m more wrong
than they! Could they be right? Have I been selfish,
dishonest, self-seeking? Has my fear controlled?
If all I can change is my backyard, what’s in it?
What did I do to make this mess?

Oh. Now I see!

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