Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Falling from Grace??

Why did they fall from grace? Because they have a chronic, incurable disease that requires daily application of this program and conscious surrender to God. ~ Voices of Recovery (Kindle Locations 501-502).
It's falling from grace to stop working the Steps?
Eek! Isn't that blasphemy? Isn't it sacrilege?
Taking the Lord's name in vain? Well, maybe not that.
But still. How can you compare the two?
But then again, when Paul brought it up
he wasn't arguing against something failing to reach
etherial, something sacred, something divine.
The discussion was whether Christians needed circumcision,
whether the Jewish law applied. In that light
it's not so different at all. The state of grace.
What is it, and how do you fall?
I learned more in OA than in decades of churchiness,
in studying theology, doctrine, church history...
even in knowing what the Bible said.
But it's the same. If what you do in abandoning Steps
is to turn away from the decision to turn will and life
to the care of your Power, to surrender, to yield...
is there really any difference? If your God is Paul's
or that of the church or your folks or Christianity 
of any kind, then falling from the Steps
is falling from grace. No, not blasphemy.
It's a transformational event, and the fall into food
really is a fall from grace.

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