Sunday, February 14, 2016

Benevolent Reverence

The more you practice benevolent reverence for the invisible Tao, the more you’ll feel connected to it. ~ Wayne Dyer. Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao
Benevolent. Characterized by
or expressing goodwill
or kindly feelings. Desiring
to help others – charitable.
Not for profit. Benevolent.
Reverence. A feeling or attitude
of deep respect tinged with awe;
veneration. To venerate. Reverence.
Not the same attitude as,
"I'm mad as Hell and
I'm not going to take this anymore!"
Not the same connotation as
a self-centered wish list,
like ordering takeout but from God.
Not the same as using special phrases
to obligate God to fulfill your demands.
Not the concept of bartering with God,
"Give me a new car and I'll never drink alcohol."
Practicing benevolent reverence.
Show me the way, please. Not my will, yours.
Thank you for your graciousness.
Grant me the characteristics and knowledge
I need to do the task you set for me.
Or merely sitting, quiet, practicing
the concept, living the principle
of benevolent reverence.

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