Sunday, January 17, 2016

A Yard Is Hard

Inch by inch life's a cinch. Yard by yard life is hard. ~ Fortune cookie
Grandiose plans come naturally,
as my pride demands I prove to you
how marvelous I am. It's not conceit,
oh, no, not that. I stand deficient, though,
and have to fool the world because I cannot
fool myself. But fear comes in to cripple me
so I while away the time, dreaming dreams
and playing games, I plan my eminence.
But still I strive for fame, prestige, my crown...
for outside folks to tell my soul it really has some worth.
It doesn't work, I tried for years, and never could believe
I had a place, I fit the world, I could have friends
and your respect. I've learned that I approached it wrong
and now can live in peace. I wanted great, tremendous,
leaps-and-bounds improvement. But now I simply set aside
my need to prove myself. I surrender to a power that can,
to love for me as me. I ask for guidance, accept advice,
and do the next right thing. And grandeur, love,
success and peace, I find along the way
when I lay aside the grandest plans...
and do the next right thing.

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