Sunday, May 30, 2021

Greatest Need

 Our group, our recovery, our friends, our support.
So important to my getting better, this weekly time
that means so much to me. I really don’t need to explain,
to answer questions, to start at the beginning,
to read all the instructions, to deal with tears, denial,
timidity, temerity, all the issues that come with someone new.
Then we read that Twelfth Step. Having had a spiritual awakening
as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message
to compulsive overeaters and to practice these principles
in all our affairs. As the result. It’s part of the steps.
That ridiculous thing people say to a newcomer,
“You’re the most important person in the room.”
Well, yes, they are more trouble when they come
but we need them to carry the message, to learn
from what we say to them and from what they say to us.
They really are the most important people in the room,
these newcomers.


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