Sunday, February 11, 2018


We have liabilities, all of us, and it’s generally easier to see them than our assets. Self-awareness is recognizing both. ~ Casey, Karen. Each Day a New Beginning: Daily Meditations for Women (Kindle Locations 317-318). Hazelden Publishing.
My liabilities...failure to remember names,
not only those met once or long ago
but worse, people I know well
or at least work with, see often,
am embarrassed not to have the tag
on the tip of my tongue.
Asked once for family history facts,
amazed my sister assured the woman
that was my area, not hers
then enthusiastically agreed
she knew the live ones, I, the dead!
Another liability, though good at math,
arithmetic, amounts of currency
proves a proclivity to unconditional surrender.
It's long been a joke at events I attend
for someone to declare when I walk in the door,
"She's here, so we're all here, let's begin!"
We won't discuss my spelling and getting dates wrong.
My assets require more thought, except intelligence.
Too many tests through too many years
defy contradiction. But to bolster the catalog
of assets requires sorting through. evaluating.
We have liabilities, all of us,
and it’s generally easier to see them
than our assets.
Self-awareness is recognizing both.

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