I will let God know that I seek just to dwell in His presence, to be near Him, not so much for teaching or a message, as just for Him. ~ Anonymous. Twenty Four Hours A Day: Meditations (p. 23). Hazelden Publishing. Kindle Edition.
And my song shall ever be:
How marvelous, how wonderful
is my Savior’s love for me!
God, I hear you tell me,
"Slow down, listen,
be still and know I'm God,
I hear, I care."
But I have a roll...to listen,
to be available, to set aside the trivial.
I want a heart that waits for You,
to know You're here, to hear.
I know You are love,
and my heart longs for Love.
You'll more than do.
Can it really be that all I want,
all I've ever wanted,
that accepting you, the Heart,
the Love, is me becoming whole?

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