Thursday, July 27, 2017

Pick Your Comfort

I used to feel my fear as a black warm hole. -- L.B.B.
Feeling fear as a warm black hole...
It had its benefits. It's warm which is good
unless the warmth is affect to a blistering day.
It's dark, so nobody sees us,
And living in fear, that's what we want.
It's a hole and the likelihood of being found
is minuscule, leaving us safe, protected.
But it's lonely, the  company's miserable,
conversations limited to regrets and guilt.
Many of us, most of us chose it, though,
But to stay there after we learned of comfort elsewhere
has no appeal. Not we'll choose our comfort
with a warm presence, a guidance
we've come to select, on whom we rely.
Or we gather with like-minded folk
who know their own warm black hole
but choose to live in fellowship
where joy abounds and hour prevails.

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