Then my appetite reappeared. I quickly surrendered to it, thinking how little will power it would take to get started again. But I couldn’t get restarted, and I learned another truism: It’s easier to stay on than to get on. ~Overeaters Anonymous, Second Edition (Kindle Locations 2811-2812)Many years have passed
since I sat astride a horse,
faced the impossibility
of putting a foot in the stirrup
then lifting a leg to the other side.
Impossible because I could not
no matter what the effort.
Instead, I was pushed and shoved
into position, a feat accomplished
with no small effort on my part —
and seriously more by the others involved.
Aching bottom couldn't be helped
for getting off would necessitate
a greater miracle and more chagrin.
Once in the saddle, I think I'll stay
for the whole grand ride.

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