Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Why Not Choose Your Higher Power

You can accept as your higher power the reality that you can’t get loaded safely, no matter how much you wish you could. ~ AA Agnostica
The year was 1934, the date nearly 81 years ago,
at a kitchen table, exasperated by excuses
Ebby suggested Bill choose his own conception of God.
That option remains open, and considering a person
looking for an escape from addiction, from a life
turned unmanageable, a person in desperation
need look not very hard for a power greater than that.
How low can it be? Anything. A chair that holds you up.
A tree. or something less concrete, but not the "god"
who scares a person away from recovery. Try anything,
even the fact, the truth, the reality that your addiction
rages out of control, that try as you may, as you have,
as you still might yet to come, you're honest enough to know
you'll never make it by resolve or willpower alone.
That desperation, that reality, is enough. Grab hold of that,
and take it to the Bank of Recovery.
Bill Wilson and Ebby Thatcher

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