Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Number 1,600

This entry is the 1600th daily entry for Recovery Daily Dose. I decided to go through the four-plus years of poetry prompts (from literature and from people talking, from signage, from the radio, just...from) and just weave some of them together. And together, we get better.

Just be the love.
You don't get to stay and leave.
My credentials don't make self esteem.
One way I know god's voice is...
when he talks to me is it pisses me off.
I haven't lost it over an apple...yet.
If it's not one thing it's your mother's.
Sponsorship is a relationship
I have to work out, a way of learning to relate
to someone I'm not stuck with.
The big decisions in my life
look really small at the time.
God keeps me in the dark
because that's where I need to be.
You don't cosign bullshit.
I don't care what you ate.
I care about why you ate it.
You don't know until you know
and when you know you can't not know.

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