Thursday, September 5, 2013

Humility Is a Gift

Humility is a gift as surely as is our recovery from compulsive eating and the other miracles of healing we experience as we work the twelve steps. Our job is to be willing to let go of old attitudes which block humility, such as low self-esteem, status-seeking, and self-righteousness. ~ The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous (Kindle Locations 748-750).
We come trying, determined to do this right,
feeling with others of our ilk we can do it,
we can have the willpower this time, it will work...
if we just work hard enough, do it well enough,
hold on long enough. Sometimes we learn quickly,
sometimes only after years, but if we stay long enough
we get it, the gift, the truth. We get it finally
not because we finally did it right but because we know,
finally without doubt, but-ifs, kind-ofs...
Because we know we don't – can't —
earn the recovery we see, the lives we want.
When we can accept humility as a gift,
give up the need to do it ourselves,
then truly all our dreams come true.

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