Friday, February 28, 2014

What a Sponsor!

And by learning to trust people I have come to trust a God who today is my greatest friend and sponsor, sustaining me through all. ~ Overeaters Anonymous, Second Edition (Kindle Locations 2741-2742).
The relationship of sponsor and sponsee
is special, one person sharing experience,
guidance, understanding, and love
with another, someone following in the path,
often one much newer to the program,
looking to the sponsor to find
what they need, want, crave for their lives.
Where can you find such a sponsor?
Sitting next to you in a group,
sharing service at Intergroup meetings,
a speaker or leader, or just someone attending,
met at a workshop or convention…
it's endless. But besides our human sponsor
isn't it grand to know we have another?
Who would have thought that our higher power
might condescend to offer that kind of guidance,
that close relationship, to me? To you?
To anyone willing to listen to the counsel offered?
How attuned must you be to find out, to discover,
that God's there sponsoring you as well?

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