Sunday, February 16, 2014


I'm powerless over my life.
Two years ago I tripped and fell
and since then I've been in the process
of rehabilitation.
I'm powerless over my life.
Daily my husband, sons, acquired daughters,
my family and friends, acquaintances,
business associates, even strangers
affect my life and I can do nothing.
I'm powerless over my life.
Everyday people say things, do wrong, act out
in ways that affect me and I can do nothing.
I'm powerless over my life.
I can do nothing to change what people say,
how they treat me, what plans they make
without consulting me.
I'm powerless over my life.
But I have power over my thoughts, my actions,
my responses, my choices.
I have the power to choose recovery,
to opt for sanity, to refuse to be a puppet.
I'm powerless over my life.
But I control how well I conform my will
to that of the power I choose to follow.
I have the power of the power I choose to serve.

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