Monday, August 1, 2011

Group Conscience

I also enjoy debate more than I ever believed I would now that I am in recovery and don't have my self-worth invested in the outcome. I love a good conversation more than anything, which includes emails. So when you read my emails, no matter the topic, I am probably bouncing up and down in my seat with a goofy grin on my face because I have grown to love that as part of the process of the group conscience. (quote from an email)
A camel evolving from a committee
assembling a horse? Not here.
Why does group conscience work
in recovery and not in "real" life?
Could it be we learn to really listen?
How about a habit of truth telling,
an attitude of acceptance of our fellows?
When we've faced internal demons,
found a way to sanity,
why would we defend positions
that fade into insignificance
in the broader scheme?


  1. Leaving a comment. It's been difficult for others to leave comments here. I've changed the settings and am checking them. Anyone else, please try it just as a test if you would until I delete this one. Thanks.

  2. Barbara, wow, I feel like I will live forever on the internet! I am really flattered. I hope this becomes true for everyone involved in the process of recovery.
