Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas on a Food Plan

Maybe Christmas, the Grinch thought, doesn't come from a store. ~ Dr. Seuss
How can we have Christmas
without candy and pie,
without hot rolls and biscuits,
a bounteous feast in ample supply?
What do you do as you sit to a feast
and it's not on your food plan,
all the treats made from yeast?
How do you eat different from all of the clan?
Your friends all drop by with a cake or a pie,
with a box full of chocolate or a wonderful flan.
The parties are watered with beer, wine, mai tai...
just how do you keep from discarding your plan?
Hey, it's  Christmas, so give me a break.
Won't it be best if I ditch it one day?
But it's Christmas, it's real, not a fake.
It's for worship, for family, the abstinent way.

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