Monday, December 24, 2018

Peace Be with You

Isn’t it time to hold the ego in check? Let’s close the door to it. In turn, that opens the door to peace.
Casey, Karen. Daily Meditations for Practicing The Course. Hazelden Publishing. Kindle Edition.
And on earth there was peace,
good will to all. Or so it would seem…
for everyone else. Are you at peace today?
The angels announced this to the shepherds.
Did the shepherds feel at peace?
Were some of their number missing,
having gone to the home of their ancestors
for the census? Did it bother them
that the census was for taxation assessment?
How did they feel about Roman rule?
Is today less tumultuous?
Are you at peace with the season?
Does it cause you to stress?
Is gathering of families fraught
with decades-old tension?
How can you make it a time
where for you on earth there is peace,
good will to all?
Let love reign in your heart.
a spirit of forgiveness light your life
and that status for you touches, changes,
all around you so you feel…and bring…
peace on earth, good will to all.
Peace be with you and spread from you!

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