Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Fear of Love

People with low self-esteem fear love.... They doubt another person’s ability to appreciate them, because they don’t see the worth in themselves. ~ Kylie Scott, Deep
Fear of love. I want to shout. "Not me, love is good,
nothing to fear!" But I know I've been there, done that,
lived that awful lie! I voiced it as,"I don't have friends,
though some people believe I'm their friend."
I knew that was possible, that could be because I tried,
I helped others. But who could love me? Was it possible?
Maybe. I supposed, since the Bible orders it, and God could,
because God is love, but I knew at the same time the Bible really didn't
"tell me so." How could a person love me? Well, Mother and Daddy,
because that was their job! But it wasn't until I got to the rooms,
found people who told my story like they'd lived it
and were abundantly lovable, and I did, and I loved the other one
there in the world among those lovable people,
so I was no longer afraid of love and found the ability to appreciate
the one in whom I'd seen no worth.

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