Sunday, August 31, 2014

Inferiority Complex

The psychological catch phrase of the day was “inferiority complex,” and we used that frequently as the cause of our overeating. In addition, I blamed my mother for many of my problems. It was to be many years of Twelve-Step work on myself before I could see that the causes lay within me. ~ Beyond Our Wildest Dreams: A History of Overeaters Anonymous as Seen by the Founder
I know I'm not inferior to anyone.
I have less talent in some areas,
a great deal less knowledge than many,
than any one person in their best field
perhaps, but that doesn't make me inferior.
I can try less − or a great deal more −
than someone else, but I'm of value
and my efforts don't make me worthless
any more than they make me priceless.
I'm not inferior, and I can't use the belief I am
to justify not doing what I can, not progressing,
not having a life of joy and peace and promise.
I may not have knowledge or skills I need
but I have the ability to listen, to learn,
to become who I want to be.


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