Friday, August 29, 2014

Rigatoni Fingers

Walking with a toddler’s fist wrapped around your finger brings comfort even when the act of bending far enough for it to happen shoots pains through your back.
Fingers the size of macaroni cling tight for a while, but a shiny bauble in cement, a slug inching along the path, or a sunray brimming with dust motes may loosen the fingers as the child, unconscious of the disconnect, wanders toward the prize. ~ Slender Steps to Sanity - Twelve-Step Notes of Hope (Kindle Locations 446-448).
Little fingers holding big ones,
trust, love, comfort shared.
How precious the little child
as I do all I can to protect,
to nurture, to lead, to teach.
Patience comes easy. 
Joy thrives with tiny weed flowers,
with a pinecone mystery,
with the joy of splashing water
and the simple things seem huge.
It's fun to be the big with the precious little.
Why can I not understand 
when I'm the immature, the learner, the child
and the adult is God or a sponsor
or a voice I need to hear
that it's just as good to the wise one
to be with me as when I'm the one
with rigatoni fingers.

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