Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Trusting Me

I treat myself with kindness and consideration, and my word to myself is as good as the commitments I make to others. ~ For Today (Kindle Location 283)
If anybody knows how untrustworthy I am,
it's me. I blew it again this week,
a commitment, people counting on me,
and I was not there. I messed up in other ways...
playing games instead of doing the next thing listed,
the next right thing...or SOME right thing.
Eating a freer interpretation of my food plan.
Failing to see to details that got others in trouble.
I messed up this week. But I did great things, too.
I would not lambast someone else
even if I knew all their errors and omissions.
But I tend to do that to me. And I tend to punish me
by not trusting myself, by doing the next wrong thing
so I don't mess up the next right thing.
I proved this week my commitments to others
are not as strong as they should be. I'll fix that.
And I'll keep my commitments to me, as well,
trusting me to do it with God's guidance and love.

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