Thursday, August 21, 2014


I never saw it, touched it, smelled it, swallowed it with water or had it injected into me with a hypodermic needle. But it brought about what no pill, no shot, no book, no lecture, no prayer had ever been able to do. It broke my compulsion.
“It,” of course, is faith. ~ For Today (Kindle Locations 763-765).
Faith. Substance of things hoped for.
Evidence of things not seen.
What is faith? What does that mean?
How do you grab hold of something
so amorphous, so vague. so nebulous.
Like a grain of mustard seed.
I understand a little tiny seed
with the genetic material to make a tree.
Trust, confidence. Those make some sense,
have enough of a texture I can get hold of them.
"A strong belief." I understand that,
how you can really really believe it.
Faith. Hard to define.  But worth waiting for,
looking for, preparing to receive.
You can take it on faith.

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