Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Shackles of Self-Will

My potential is in direct proportion to my willingness to let go the shackles of self-will, to get out of my own way. ~ For Today (Kindle Locations 2356-2357)
My potential ought to be tied to my self-will,
for how can I ever progress without determination?
But that's not what this is saying, not that I control
but that I am willing to let go of self-will.
That old surrender thing again.
They just keep harping on that.
But that old self-will thing,
that determination to charge through
by the skin of my teeth... It never worked.
It still doesn't. My maximum potential really is
in direct proportion to my surrender,
to my letting go of the shackles of self-will.
And only then does the paradox happen
and I get my own way.

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