Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Safe Deposit Box

Today I am worth enough to give myself the best —the best thought, the best care. I guard my abstinence and my program as though they were my dearest possessions — and they are. ~ For Today (Kindle Locations 656-657).
Are your valuables protected?
What's most important to you?
Is your program there, your sobriety,
your sanity? Is it REALLY?Do you find yourself giving lip service
to the importance of the program
but being willing to lay it aside "just once"
when you want to do something,
when you're feeling left out,
when you're afraid of what others will say?
Is this valuable possession something
you take with you when it's convenient
but easily leave behind?
But really, a safe deposit box?
How can that fit with abstract things,
with ideas, behaviors, my life?
Have you ever heard of a God box?
Can that be your safety deposit box,
where you write it down on paper,
turn it over to God, and know it...
and you...are protected?

Safe Deposit Boxes

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