Friday, March 27, 2015


You're really not hungry,
just deprived of the comfort
you believed you could get
from the food. Oh, yes,
once you really got comfort
but in recent years it's been guilt,
shame, misery, low self-esteem,
and indigestion (not to mention
some other physical attestations).
You're not starving, you're feeling.
Feeling feelings, and they're frightening,
strange, unwelcome, offensive.
You don't want to admit
you are who you are,
the you others have always seen
but you've masked from yourself
by the food, by isolation, by lies.
You're in a sour mood. Recognize it.
Acknowledge it. Understand
that when you get to know this you
you'll wonder how you ever
wanted to keep the really sour you.

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