Sunday, March 2, 2014

Where's the Focus?

If you focus on the weight you'll lose the recovery — but if you focus on the recovery, you'll lose the weight. ~ Cliff
We always say we're "not a weigh-and-pay" group,
but how often do we treat OA as a "weigh-and-pay-very-little" one?
When we come into the rooms miserable, at wits end,
the last straw drawn and desperate to get the weight off,
how can that be unimportant? How can the focus rest
on things like a higher power, inventory, amends?
But if it's another weight-loss gambit, it's another diet,
another plan to fail, another dreaded predetermined end.
And if the focus is about what else is wrong with you,
way past the fat, the funky knees, the falling down,
the blood pressure, the misery…if the focus is on setting right
the wrong in your life, then that wrong
that's symptom more than problem
will fall in line and go away as we face, in the company of friends,
the other real issues.

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