Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Position to Be Hurt

Sometimes they hurt us, seemingly without provocation, but we invariably find that at some time in the past we have made decisions based on self which later placed us in a position to be hurt. ~ Alcoholics Anonymous: the "Big Book" (Kindle Locations 911-912). 

The “Big Book” of AA speaks of self-interest that places us in a position to be hurt. I knew that our marriage could never be what I hoped for, but I feared that if I left my husband I could not support my children. So I stayed, out of fear and self-interest, and I was in a position to be hurt. ~ Overeaters Anonymous, Second Edition (Kindle Locations 2636-2638).
Why do we settle? Why accept "good enough"
knowing it's not? Why not expect the great good things
available for us, waiting for us, searching for us?
Because of disbelief. Because of self-doubt, insecurity, shame
from some source only in our heads.
What happens when we stop accepting "good enough"
but do expect all that is great and good and waiting for us?
What happens when we accept the bounty, the abundance of recovery?
Who knows but Power that transforms? But sometimes,
this time, good enough grows, blossoms, deepens, matures
against all expectations, contrary to reason or probability,
as amazing as recovery but spreading, morphing, becoming great.

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