Sunday, May 31, 2015


Recovery for sale!
See the ads, catch the buzz,
glamour, glitz,
you're worth the cost.
Recovery that's chic,
zap addictions with flair.
Recovery for free!
Come and get it, no charge.
No frills, no joke,
recovery for free.
Simple, plain Jane,
an open book
plan that works
if hope is gone.
Now THAT'S a flourish!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

A Little Chunk of Me

Recovery's the goal,
progress presumed,
yet expecting perfection
jerks me back to disease.
An ever shrinking chunk 
of me remains unrepentant,
unreachable, unloveable, ugly.
Others enter these rooms
obnoxious, argumentative,
angry, unloveable.
Love, though, knows no bounds,
reaches across to unlovely.
When I let myself love these,
only then can I love that chunk
of me.

Friday, May 29, 2015

What Does Archie Teach Edith?

She learns to do what she agrees promptly
encouraged by his disappointment
expressed as anger when she slips.
She learns to get her worth from inside,
independent of his appraisal of her.
She learns discretion as to where lines
must be drawn, where they don't belong,
how to be available to be an us.
She learns the concept of servant leadership
doing what he expects, knowing
she doesn't owe but can give without benefit
of gratitude as payment, acknowledgement.
She learns to tolerate opinions she doesn't share,
to think through why she doesn't,
to hold her counsel, confident
she's not called on to explain.
She learns she can't change him
by telling him how to be, by reasoning,
by doing everything possible for him,
to let him know she cares, by seeking praise,
gratitude, a kind word, her daddy saying
at each meal's end, "Very good, Mz. B."
She learns to do what she didn't think she could
because he asks, because if she doesn't
it won't be done, because she can't stand
to disappoint him. She learns she can't avoid
disappointing him, that it doesn't matter
when she can't make him happy,
can't change him, that what he does,
what he thinks, what he says
is none of her business but that hers


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Sail the Course

It was the goal for years and years.
If I weighed a hundred forty
I'd be cured, healthy, normal...
fit in. But it didn't work, long time.
Oh, I'd catch a strong breeze at times,
sail on it like a catamaran. But winds calm,
weight-loss stalls, and the doldrums appear
and like a yacht becalmed I'd drift back,
toward the cliffs of binges, of sugar highs,
of who-cares-I-deserve-it days.
But boats sail where you want to go
when you set your course, use your tools,
patiently take the next right step,
get rid of the interruptions,
and sail the course. And get there,
maybe not fast, but you've come as you should
and chances are you learned enough along the way
to stay there, to be there, to hold on to
the healthy body weight.
Photo by Hilarmont
Photo by Hilarmont

Feel the Love

A stranger, I walked into the rooms,
scared, hurting, terrified to come,
expecting failure in due course,
like immediately. It felt different,
though, warmer, like hope lurked,
flirting around my chair. Like love —
and I grew to believe you really did
love me despite what I was.
Months later, light flickered on as I
watched my clone come in, scared,
hurting, terrified, expecting the worst.
Finally I knew it, felt it, that love
for her wasn't in spite of her but truly.
We love the hurting animals we were,
seeing them, loving them, as they come,
for they are us, they are what we are —
they're loved.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Gift or the Wrappings?

Silk cocoons tediously
unwound yield strong fiber.
Protected promised glory, 
though, does not survive.
We try to save appearances,
protect armored covering
we've constructed to withstand
life's onslaught. Keeping up
appearances, though, maintains
the worthless shell, leaves 
promised life beyond 
the worm's world 

Monday, May 25, 2015

I'll NEVER Tell!!

No! No! No! No! No!
Not now, not ever!
I've told you muck
to nauseate a buzzard!
I've dredged up all
the sins, the shame,
the crimes, the wrongs
since when I was a tot,
you've got enough to sentence
me to life some ten times over.
What more can you want?
Some things just can't be whispered,
can never pass from a sinner's
guilty heart, just fester there and rot
to make a living hell. It's my secret,
my burden, my shame
and I'll not infect you with it.
For me? You'll take it for ME?
You're lying, you prurient freak!
For me? You need my
take-to-the-grave secret
to keep me from an early grave?

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Sought and Found

I found him! I win!
Clever, how hidden
he was, out in the open
where I thought I'd looked
but like those puzzles
when words are secluded
in random letters in
plain sight but darned near
impossible to spot!
You told me I wasn't looking
for the God of my childhood
or that of the TV preacher
but could make up my own
and sure enough
when I knew what
I wanted to find
there he was,
waiting for me,
rooting for me.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Greatest Possession

Cling to the thought that, in God's hands, the dark past is the greatest possession you have — the key to life and happiness for others. (Alcoholics Anonymous, page 124)
Humiliation, shame, rage —
hurling dung on the hopes of family,
treacherous dealing with friends,
debauchery, self-contempt.
My pain, my agony, my hopelessness.
Talk about magic, about being born again.
How deep is God's grace to go so far
in rescuing me as to give such scum value,
but even more, to make it priceless?
IMAG0402 copy

Friday, May 22, 2015

Keep Receiving

Lie still and keep receiving. ~ Debbie Moot
As long as the modem works, the signal comes in
and when computers call on it, information flows.
The system asks to connect, or at least agrees
since the power's out there, constantly offered,
just ask. Sometimes, though, a password is needed,
making a trustworthy connection, private, no interlopers.
Ask and you'll receive it. Other places it's free, just come,
stay, draw power.
We've got a modem built into us from the start
and we belong to the network whether we know or not.
No password, no encryption, no exclusion.
But most of the time we need to ask
for we're not puppets, we are in control
until we yield authority and find more power
than we could ever believe. The power is there,
ours for receiving. Just listen. Just lie back.
Receive. And keep receiving.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

What I Already Know

It is impossible to begin to learn that which one thinks one already knows. Epictetus
They say you can't be too dumb (though usually more courteously)
but you can be too smart to understand the Twelve Steps,
to get recovery. It's not true, though. Intelligence is not an issue.
But the conviction you're smart...smarter than the others in the rooms,
than the ones talking to you...than those who wrote the literature...
the conviction you already know everything stops your getting it.
It's easy to say the attitude...the real superiority
but far too often it's low self-esteem hidden. And a need to use
intelligence, education, luck of hide the fear,
the shame, the need to appear superior, the the way we feel.
And eventually we come to believe the act, the persona, we've adopted
and refuse to listen to the source of hope and peace being offered.

A Hostage Mess

I write down poetry prompts when I hear them, store them sometimes for years. This one I actually used before on March 9, 2014.
Don't take a hostage you're not willing to shoot. ~ Congressman Mike Conaway
And then what? I practiced law with two men.
Bill flew (quite successfully!) by the seat of his pants,
knew where the library was — because the coffee was there
and he'd cut a donut with his cattleman's knife,
eat a third...come back twice more and get a third...
nobody else would touch them. Was that forethought?
Claiming his whole donut, knowing what others would do?
Bryan would take a new client, know generally what they had,
research that question and two more what-if's
on each potential branch before the first meeting with clients...
forethought, ready to follow the conversation's contingencies.
What decisions will you make today? Are you ready for what-if's?
Don't take a hostage you're not willing to shoot.
A friend calls, asks you to speak at an event. You hate to speak.
But it's six weeks away. You say maybe. You say it again
for five weeks. Your friend's in a jam if you don't appear.
Don't take a hostage you're not willing to shoot.
Find a puppy, clean it up, feed it, love have no pet deposit
nor cash to post one, can't afford to lose the apartment.
Don't take a hostage you're not willing to shoot.
You sign a contract to perform a service but change your mind,
lose interest in that, want to put your time on a new passion
so you procrastinate. And work on the new. And procrastinate
until it's a day before you are to deliver the contracted service.
Don't take a hostage you're not willing to shoot.
Don't build amends you're going to have to make. Live responsibly.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


We get what we expect, so “expect a miracle.” We are all miracles. ~ Voices of Recovery (Kindle Locations 1626-1627).
Expectations run low after years of failure,
of disappointment, of abysmal self-esteem.
And we get what we expect. More disappointments,
more failures, more proving what we knew we were.
But when we change what we expect, 
even if it's expecting what our sponsor says
is the future, and, filled with skepticism,
we claim it or the desire to claim it or the wish
to believe it could be true. We may do absurd
repetitions, telling ourselves we're special,
we're pretty, we're able, we're talented...
and after a while they become not recitations
but statements, our own beliefs, and
more than that...they become the truth!

Monday, May 18, 2015


Where there’s blue lights, just read me my rights ~ lyrics, Justin Michael Weaver, Kip Moore
It's inevitable. We know it is,
for we come in angry, dejected,
knowing failure is inevitable.
We can't lick this habit, this compulsion,
this addiction to food. This obsession.
The urge will come again, will take over,
and we'll eat again, binge all night,
drive from one window to the next
getting treats, moving on so the clerk
won't thing badly of us. We come in
failures. Experienced, expert failures.
We find hope, people like us,
really! When we thought we were unique,
oddities of nature, freaks. But we meet us,
but us, recovered. Us with hope, with joy,
laughing at the behavior that drove us crazy.
We do meet our destiny in the rooms of recovery.
But it's different, better, more that we could hope...
we're not destined to a lifetime of misery!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Be Still and Know

Massive storm, the street a river,
rain abated but lightning, thunder linger.
Power out, candles, batteries, darkness.
God. Time, excuses gone, just us.
Why does it have to come to this
to pull me to contemplate, to visit,
to sit and await guidance?
Gratitude for rain, for safety,
for often ignored devices...
willing to be willing, to remember
without the necessity of resetting
all the clocks.
Candle burining

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Molding a Mind

One date six decades ago
shaped my life, my thinking, my future.
The day a nine-year-old me
moved from the only home I knew,
from friends, playmates, Brownies,
church buddies to a small town
so small the other fourth graders
had been together three years
and everybody seemed to know
all the people and remember every name...
but me. I got there at summer's start
and commiserated,
the attitude calcifying
and on graduation
with leadership positions
in many organizations,
I felt unloved, unfriended,
alone. And I had learned
to compensate with food,
sugar!, and self-pity.
But there's hope for the hopeless
when you learn to sort it out
and end the reliance on crutches.

Friday, May 15, 2015

The Bane of Excess

Excess kills the very qualities I seek in anything, be it possessions, activities or food. ~  For Today (Kindle Location 2440).
I know how to quit a stupid game, be it Angry Birds
or Spider Sol, Shisen or Sudoku, crossword puzzles,
or blackjack, Candy Crush or tic-tac-toe.
Play it ad nauseam, again and again and again.
Maybe they named it revulsion therapy but long before
when people picked up stones or sticks and threw them,
when they threw lots or dice or any ancient game
they knew the concept. Enough is enough is enough
and your favorite activity can become torture per se.I know how to quit bingeing without a program,
without intent, without hope. After a while
there can even be another bowl of ice cream
sitting at the bottom of the carton (probably the third)
and the thought of putting it in your mouth brings pain.
And I know in the past I would feel that way
and after I finished it, despite hating the act,
I'd stop, there being nothing left to inhale.
We have twenty-nine typewriters, seventeen eagles,
and before I gave them away about fifty elephants.
I've still got them but the joy is gone. I kept the best
and like them for who they remind me of,
but too much finally makes the wanting abate.
I am serially compulsive, it's who I am.
But it's not how I have to act. I can choose
to do the next right thing, to act like an adult,
to be sane for the moment. When I do,
I can enjoy a grape, a five-minute game,
a beautiful object or something that makes me smile
and the insanity can remain at bay.

Thursday, May 14, 2015


“God willing, we … may never again have to deal with drinking, but we have to deal with sobriety every day.” ~ Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th Edition (Kindle Locations 6456-6457)
They call them dry drunks,
the ones not working a program
but holding on to an alcohol-free life
by white knuckling, by peer pressure,
by that frayed willpower they couldn't hold
but now it's better, with a few of the tools,
with camaraderie, or by substituting
another addiction or other behavior,
not better, just different. And it's slippery,
tenuous, hard to hold.
But unless that's the problem,
it's not the problem.
Living sobriety, no matter what the addiction,
that's the issue. Finding the promises true,
learning to love yourself and others,
accepting responsibility for self and nobody else,
living life to the fullest, that's the issue.
And unless you can find that, you'll fall back,
be stuck in the mire...or act like a bear,
be miserable inside and a carrier of that
to all who meet you. But when you get past,
when you do find recovery, then that's glorious,
a life beyond our wildest dreams,
peace and joy.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

No Laurels OA there are no laurels. ~ Voices of Recovery (Kindle Location 1544).
Imagine resting on laurels.
If resting is sitting, balance
would be difficult, prickly,
or would crush the leaves
to future compost components.
If resting is leaning,
how many laurels are required?
Too many to rest...more to acquire.
Laurels are useless, tangible vanity,
false security, nascent narcissism.
Laurels are worthless for the honoree,
good for prideful ego, for show,
for proving you're worthy
when that's not the way to prove it...
just be worthy, do the next right thing
and it's true. Laurels are worthless
for the admirer, longing for,
feeling less than, wanting to earn tokens
to show off. Resting on laurels
does no good. Just stomp on them
and let the composting begin.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

How Willing?

Will cannot be quenched against its will. ~ Dante Alighieri
I tell you right now, I'm willing!!!
Just like Peter was willing
to confront the people as he warmed himself
at the fire while the master he swore to serve
was in trial...and Peter said he didn't know him. 
I tell you right now, I'm willing!!!
Just like Judas was willing to follow Jesus anywhere
but took a few coins and told them where and how
they could capture his master without a crowd
to get in the way.
I tell you right now, I'm willing!!!
Just like the rich young man who came to Jesus
and told him he'd done everything right
since he was a young child and asked what more
but turned away because Jesus asked
more than he could give up.
I tell you right now, I'm willing!!!
God, let it be the truth, and if I'm not
then make me willing and if I won't be that
then make me willing to be willing.
Here I am, Lord, use me...I think...

Monday, May 11, 2015

It's the Joy!

But the most compelling part of A.A., the part that made me want to try this sober thing, was the laughter, the pure joy of the laughter that I heard only from sober alcoholics. ~ Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th Edition, Page 333
It's serious. Addiction. It's a disease,
and lethal when you reach the point
of powerlessness, an unmanageable life.
It's serious. Relationships run amuck,
resentments rampant. Fear in control.
Keep on the path you know, the one
you've walked for years and you're doomed.
There's no way out. But take another path,
twelve simple steps, and the road can be walked,
the oppressiveness no longer controls,
the mood becomes lighter.
And when you can find folks living the steps,
no longer white-knuckling it, though formerly sunk...
you'll find a jovial crowd, people who can laugh
at the dangers involved, the path they've covered,
the dire straits they were in, and they grin,
a happy lot, a people you want to join
not only for the answer but the fun of finding it!

Sunday, May 10, 2015


...complimented me... When I tried to talk her out of her kind words, she refused to take them back. She insisted that I deserved her compliment and others as well. I began to realize how far down my feelings of self-worth had sunk... ~ Courage to Change, page 130
I want you to know how great I am...
but mainly because I don't believe it,
that I consider it an act, a disguise,
that I'm putting one over on the world.
But when you share your love with me,
when you find something to say nice about,
when you praise me and thus embarrass me,
then I want to hide. But please, don't let me.
Make me face the fact you find good about me,
that you believe in me, that you admire me.
When you do that, the you're loving me
and one way for me to learn to love myself
is by accepting the love you give, and when you do,
you're healing a hurting soul, and what a surprise
that is.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Me at Almost 68

(I wrote this a while ago. I'm 68 and three months now and they took my blood the last two times I offered it.)

My knees may hurt
but they don't grumble much
with a mile and a half
at the gym.
My hand tingles, types semi-colon
for asterisk but still can type.
I'd like to have a body forty pounds lighter
but once had a hundred more than this.
They flunked me from donating blood
the last two times, said I'm anemic,
made me realize I have no energy
but had enough to try to give blood.
Tons of things to do are lined up,
listed, waiting for me but some of them
are getting done.
I have minuscule understanding of who I am
but I'm learning.
Ten years ago I was offended
when a youngster gave a senior discount
without asking, but I'm a senior, oldest
in my family but for two, and healthy.
I could find things to complain about
but I'd rather not.
I'd rather bask in the light of what I have
and what it means to me.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Some Great Thing

Naaman’s servants went to him and said, “My father, if the prophet had told you to do some great thing, would you not have done it? How much more, then, when he tells you, ‘Wash and be cleansed’!” So he went down and dipped himself in the Jordan seven times, as the man of God had told him, and his flesh was restored and became clean like that of a young boy. ~ 2 Kings 5:13-14 (NIV)
Anything you want, God, anything you want.
But not THAT! You don't understand who I am!You don't understand what I can do for you!
I am persuasive, can speak eloquently, can bring people
to your way, make them understand your magnificence.
I can pay great sums of money, finance a worldwide campaign,
utilize the vast media resources for your cause, for your glory.
I am a person of influence, and talking one-on-one
to all the people I know — people of wealth, important leaders —
I can get the best of the best for your projects, for your goals.
But you want me to sit quietly for thirty minutes,
alone, telling no one? You want me to start the day and end it
thinking of you, of how my actions affect how you want my life?
You want me to read scripture, sermons, inspiration?
Who's going to notice that? How's that going to utilize
the resources I have to bring to your kingdom? Don't you want me,
rather, to do some great thing? Don't you? Please...

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Two Masters

 No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. ~ Matthew 6:24 (NIV) ~ Idea from Joan B
Food is a master, a cruel tyrant,
a dictator willing to yield allegiance
to nobody, no creed, no rational thought.
Food will not tolerate a diet...for long...
but roars back with a vengeance
to reclaim its due, to assert its influence,
to enslave the compulsive eater.
God is a master, a kind and caring guide,
the absolute authority but one gentle, loving,
refusing to insist, there when we turn to him,
giving us more than we could ever find elsewhere,
but gentle, patient, all-knowing, caring,
tender, warm.
Food is a master and God is a master
but we can't have both. We know which we choose,
for we've tasted the sanity, caught scent
of the promises, seen the potential,
but to serve God as our master
for this day, moment by moment,
we must choose the one we want to win
in the end.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


I have confused support with action. I learned that the woman was saying: “I am behind you 100 percent and will support you in whatever you do. If you need something from me, then you have to ask for what you want." ~ Voices of Recovery (Kindle Locations 1472-1474).
Confusing support with action...
how often have I done that?
I can't support him without serving him,
without being at his beck and call,
rescuing him, doing for him
what he would be better doing
for himself. How can I be supporting him
if, like him, I sit in my chair with a computer
and get up when I want something...
or when he wants something...
or when he perceives the little dog
wants something, or when the big dog
demands I get up and open the door
then, having learned his lesson well,
will as clearly as if he had words
tell me I might as well pass out dog bones
while I'm up.
Confusing thought with action...
how often have I done that?
Thinking you can't be supporting me
if I'm doing all the work, if you just listen,
nod, praise, and only if asked advise.
I confuse support with action
whether I'm giving or taking
and don't feel like I'm loved
unless you're codependent with me
as much as I am with those around me.
God, I know you support me,
that you will the best for me,
that you give advice but I must ask,
that you won't do for me what I can
do for myself, but that you have proven
over and over that you give support
by doing for me what I could never do
without you.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Only Requirement

3.  The only requirement for OA membership is a desire to stop eating compulsively. ~ Tradition 3, Overeaters Anonymous
On first glance — and years of study, too —
it seems the Third Tradition says, "Leave them alone,
if their problem isn't yours, they're still welcome."
But when the requirement seems so simple
it's easy to not see the third word, that "REQUIREMENT."
We're not wide open, ready and willing to declare,
"If you show up here, you belong." Only you can say,
but you must you meet the requirement?
Do you want to stop eating compulsively?
Whether your compulsion is starving yourself
or eating twenty times a day what you need,
eating everything in reach then getting rid of it
or exercising seven hours because you ate
an extra stalk of celery? Do you want to stop?
Or do you just want the body that looks like you did,
the results you long for without the willingness to get there?
How do you fit with the Third Tradition? It is a requirement,
you know.

Monday, May 4, 2015

But Is It Fattening?

Introductory Note: The first issue of Recovery Daily Dose was posted May 4, 2011, with one every day (or darned close to it) since then. There are 1464 published posts counting this at and 1454 on the site. There have been 1461 days. I actually tried to find the discrepancies and couldn't / didn't do it. But the support of every person who has read just one is greatly appreciated.

Eating crow, swallowing your pride, words,
a bitter pill, strain at gnats and swallow camels,
food for thought, hook, line, and sinker,
wanting the ground to swallow you, 
the cat eating the canary, being chewed out, 
dog eat dog, eat crow, hat, humble pie, eat at you,
bites the dust, bite your tongue, eat someone alive,
eat shit, eat cake but have it, eating out of my hand,
chew it over, bite off more than you can chew,
chewed out, chew the fat, ingest it all, eat up time,
gnaw on that for a while, lead a horse to water,
drink it in, the icing on the cake, have your cake and...
eat it? eat over it? taste the temptation, purge the disgust?Emotions are what we eat over, so maybe it's normal
to speak in terms of food. But we can do all these things

with the awful (or wonderful) emotions and take no action
to fix them with anything that keeps us from moving
toward a healthy body weight.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

What to Overlook

I will overlook the silent treatment,
the dishes in the sink,
the clock allowed to wind down,
the need to wash clothes,
the compilation of Honey-dos
saved up, my rightful obligation
for daring to take time for me, for service.
I will not overlook the good karma
amassed over the last few days,
the new levels I've reached
in understanding myself,
the new friends I've made,
the dear people I've seen
with whom I've shared,
what I've learned and come to see.
I will not fall into the pit
from which I've climbed,
just pause and determine
what I can do for those
who remain there.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

To God as I Understand

...him or her, it, them, deity,
divine being, creator, immortal,
maybe I like demiurge best,
had to look up the word
and that dovetails with the aplomb
I feel about defining this being...
...about defining you, for a prayer means
it's actually addressed to you, my demiurge...
I pray to you, not to me for I'm not god
and I heretofore abandon any claims I've made
unconscious though they were, for never ever
have I consciously thought of myself as god
even when I acted as if it were all up to me...
I pray for what...for your will, not mine,
not for anything selfish, self-centered,
benefitting myself alone...I pray for joy,
for peace, for serenity, for comfort, for security...
and that's not selfish for it benefits everyone
I know, even some I may not know,
that as exemplar...and it benefits those
for whom I pray that they may have
all those things I wish for me...
demiurge, I pray that you may teach me now
to pray and bring me back into your
province, that you return my consciousness
to you and my need to speak but much more so
my need to soak you in and become who you
who have me to be...

Friday, May 1, 2015


It’s not just not sharing my last name. ~ Tina C
Anonymity is not something to hide behind. ~ Bonnie L
Anonymity, the condition of being anonymous.
Anonymous, not identified by name; of unknown name.
The spiritual foundation of all these Traditions, 
ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.A safe haven, a place where people know you to your core
and pretend they haven't met you when at a party,
people who have "mutual friends" and truth be told
are closer to each other than to their sisters and brothers,
a receptacle of secrets, your darkest secrets told
to a roomful of strangers with absolute confidence
they'll go no further. A fellowship where two people meet,
fall in love, plan to be married and have to ask
their friends for last names to mail invitations.
A safe haven, where it's really true
What you hear here, whom you see here,
when you leave here, 
it will stay here.