Saturday, March 31, 2012


Honesty:  the complete absence lf the intent to deceive. ~ Tennie Mc
How honest have I been?
Kind of lawyer honest, I guess.
If you ask a question,
hit my hole card dead on,
no equivocation, no wiggle room
I'm likely to tell you as little truth
as I can run past you.
But you have to be really good
at cross examination to get close
to that hidden honest answer.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Truth Shall Set You Free

Jesus said to the people who believed in him, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” ~ John 8:31-32, NLT
Truth will set you free.
First comes belief,
then remaining faithful.
Then comes knowing truth
all before the future time
of freedom.
But I want freedom now.
Instant gratification.
Let's reverse it. I'm free.
So show me the truth.
Then I'll be faithful and believe.
What do you mean,
my freedom deflects the rest,
sidetracks truth, faith, belief?
If I can't do what I want when I want
where's the freedom?
Oh. You mean the kind that really
feels free?

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Calm Spirit

Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inward peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset. ~ St. Francis de Sales
For more than a year we've planned, prepared,
dared to believe we might succeed. Tomorrow —
that mythical day that never comes – happens
when I wake again. Is everything ready? No.
But enough, not just what I imagined, but it's a we,
not an I. And while I'm not prepared, we are.
And the process, the preparation, the doing
makes us a better us, creates a truer me. And power
greater than any, than all stands ready to transform
lives, to make calm spirits, to proliferate peace.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Outside the Zone

If we're growing, we're always going to be out of our comfort zone. ~ John Maxwell
Comfort zone, comfort foods,
favorite shoes,  old baggy shirt,
comfortable silence, a comfortable living,
words of comfort. Sometimes it's all
too close for comfort.

Hobbies grow tedious, same-old same-old
gets old. Out there beckons
and "Here be dragons" seems less fearful.
Sometimes it seems "dragons" is another word
for really living.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Free Renga, Solo

fine-tuned by fear addressed
loose ends grabbed at

flailing arms meet ideas 
a mid-air Möbius strip

never-ending dance 
returns to beginning yet
different but not

joyous pirouette cavorts
romping cowboy line dance

early Texas twist 
in plan as pieces interweave
fear remains but tamed

Monday, March 26, 2012

Garage Sale Bargains

What have you got I need?
I see this old book – copyright 1939?
Such arcane language,
"the goose hung high"?
Still, I see myself, my problems
in the dated, sexist text.
This old God? No, don't think so.
I tried him for years
with no real connection.
I'll stick with the one I found
when somebody asked me
to describe my own conception
of God. But these old ideas —
rigorous honesty, keeping clean
my side of the street, seeking
God's will and power to do it —
certainly still a great value.
And this three-legged stool
marked physical, emotional,
spiritual – old, but comfortable,
like home. You know,
Daddy always said, "There's nothing
new and improved." I'll take these.
What? You want to change your mind,
to keep them, use them? Can't say
I blame you. And I know their value well.
I've got them all myself.
They're too precious to discard
just because they're tried and true.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Noteworthy, worth re-marking,
meriting recalling...
a remarkable day,
not one mired
in quotidian details.
What makes a day
extraordinary, prevents
humdrum, dreary?
Does uneventful mean
(Is monotonous named
for the o's?) Can a day
spent in your head,
even in your bed,
be worthy, be worthwhile,
be  a welcome visit with life?

Saturday, March 24, 2012

A Mind's a Terrible Thing to Lose

It comes and goes, my sanity.
Most times I'm fine, or at least
that's how it feels. Then stress and fear
kick in as the mind dissolves to mush,
fears take hold and fetch awful eventualities,
pilfered from those who rebuffed the fears,
refused to yield to stress, who kept sanity
while I was losing mine.

Friday, March 23, 2012


Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. ~ Dr. Seuss, The Lorax
Save the world or mend your wits
or something in between, if you don't be
who you're meant to be, you're a nitz
to hope for change. You talk of your plea
to be rid of your faults when you plow on,
leave it to God – you prayed the Seventh Step
Prayer – and when tempted, you yawn —
God allowed your haughty misstep.
So, did you try a whole awful lot, did you yield
to the guidance you got? Simple, not easy,
the pathway we walk, and reflection reveals
our mindsets. Are we willing to be set free?
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
nothing is going to get better. It's not."

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Pass the Blessings

Don't decline to accept a blessing and deny someone the blessing of blessing you. ~ Jo Helen Cox
"No, thank you" requires no thought,
skips cognitive analysis completely.
I'll do it myself. Five weeks and a day disabled,
one-handed, I find myself grinning when friends
tell strangers, "She can do it," shaking their head,
knowing all too well the urge – and my response.
I'm trying to let go. Joan threatened me
if I stacked chairs and I didn't disobey
to prove I could – just told Nita I'd carry boxes,
but didn't. I let the sacker carry a few bags,
asked her to move the coat on the seat.
I accepted help with a zipper, asked to borrow a pen.
I'm trying to share the blessings. Truth be told,
I'm not so sure I can do it myself. Oh, the nuisances,
little dares, are just that – a game with myself.
But tomorrow a friend goes with me when I finally see
the damage I managed with a careless step.
And I'll call folks who want to be, accept support,
feel the love. I'll let people be with me despite distance,
I'm learning how. I'm learning to let friends be.
And fill old holes.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hobbling Doubt

I can't do it, I've tried and tried.
Why should I be persuaded
just to fall on my face again?
If they know I care, I'll look weak,
foolish when it doesn't work – again.

Doubt is a hobble that holds me in,
confines me where I am whether I'd stay
or go. Can I change the strap, make it a tether,
tying me to hope, to belief, to dreams?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Through a Glass Darkly

Little acts of kindness,
so easy, so natural.
Clean glasses light places
that didn't seem dark.
Holding onto the coffee cup
kept it still (didn't stop noise
from pulling the plastic lid)
but in a loving room, so what?
A phone call, a thanks on Facebook,
concern fron a cold-call salesman...
My day was better today because you
took a moment to care.

Monday, March 19, 2012


Ought to, should, what will people think?
I tried, earnestly, doggedly, determined
for years on end, and even when I caught most 

of the oughts, did lots of the shoulds,
played the role to please the crowds,
shame dogged me, hounded me, howled
my deficits though only I could hear.
Then I admitted insanity and found Power
to change me, to accept me, to stand
here before you and continue my life,
but changed, unashamed.


Sunday, March 18, 2012

God's Desire

All God desires is for you to allow Him to guide you and to lead you. He knows what lies ahead and will redirect your path to save you from heartache and a life of regret. Let Him reign in your life. What are you waiting for? ~ Spiritually Single (Unevenly Yoked)
God wants to guide me.
You know what picture that evokes?
Right now I'm injured, obviously,
and when I insist on fending for myself
and see the faces of friends – and strangers —
longing, yearning to take over, to zip my purse,
unlock a door, carry things... normal stuff...
it would be so much easier, more comfortable
for them were I not obstinate. But God?
Is he in that line of folk? Not so obvious,
not so visbly distraught, but even greater longing?
It's just so hard to admit weakness, to accept aid.
But he's been there longer, stood by more patiently
when all but he believed me adequate,
when only he and I knew I was a fake,
pretending competence. He's been there,
ready seamlessly to take the helm,
control the roiling ship, to set the course
and stay the course. What am I waiting for?

Saturday, March 17, 2012

OAStepper's 299th Blog Entry

OAStepper has been blogging since September, 2007 and in her blog you'll find drafts of parts of Slender Steps to Sanity, A Cloud of Witnesses, and a new work on Galatians. This is her 299th post, published Thursday.

Galatians 2:13

As a result, other Jewish Christians followed Peter’s hypocrisy, and even Barnabas was led astray by their hypocrisy. (NLT)

I fancied myself a leader, for had not the men of my battery given me a special token of appreciation? My talent for leadership, I imagined, would place me at the head of vast enterprises which I would manage with the utmost assurance. (Alcoholics Anonymous, page 1)

Managing with the utmost assurance —
yep, rings true, I've been there.
Peter, simple fisherman transformed 
to key carrier, not just for a meeting
but to the kingdom all in a few short years.
How fearful he must have been,
how often. 
Do I need a report from his POV?
No. No need to take his inventory,
just mine.
When I find myself a leader
by vote of peers or default, 
my responsibility lies not
in keeping waters calm
but in being qualified to lead,
allowing that to come from 
a power far greater than I, 
and seeking daily the power's directive
the will and courage
to lead there.

God, I offer myself.
While I'd prefer anonymity,
I'm willing to yield
to your plan.

Friday, March 16, 2012

With Power Backing

You forget that you have just now tapped a source of power much greater than yourself. To duplicate, with such backing, what we have accomplished is only a matter of willingness, patience and labor. (Alcoholics Anonymous, Kindle Locations 2043-2044)
Duplicating those early pioneers,
alcoholics before they were anonymous,
while still the drunk squad of the Oxford Group...
more than a hundred after starting from scratch
less than five years before, recovered from hopeless
in mind and body. Knowing, sharing precisely how!
Not "keep coming back," not ninety in ninety,
but a remedy for tens of times more, thousands
that became fifteen thousand times more
in sixteen years. And I've got that resource,
that power, that book. Then all I need is that triad:
Willingness. Patience. Labor.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Free Power

When I enter your presence
suddenly I'm drained of power,
impotent, a first grader trembling
in the principal's office.
That's not my nature!
I'm confident,
bold, can assert myself when I try,
but not with you.

It's an old pattern,
I've seen it before,
always with women...
my mother first,
then women I know he
has found attractive.
It's my power, though,
not yours. And you can't have it
unless I surrender it, give it up,
choose to yield,
 to get back into a role
I know...a role I hate.
So, the rules have changed.
It's MY power and I'm keeping it.
You go get
your own.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Life Defies Logic

Logic is all very well for the world’s business, but it has little to do with living. Life defies logic. Figuring-out has no place in growth. ~ For Today (Kindle Location 730)
But figuring out is what I do!
Logic is my nature. Analytical
is I. Analytical is me? I am Analytical,
it’s  an object complement, needs
a first person pronoun:
Analytical is I. And it doesn’t matter.
I’m not here to analyze or reason.
I’m here to seek God’s will
and the power to carry it out.
And how to avoid ending
sentences with prepositions?

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Forgiving, Defined

The definition of forgiving is, “I give up my right to hurt you for hurting me.” ~ Vernetta Howell
I can make you hurt,
but why? In hurting you,
I don’t pass it on,
don’t relieve myself
of earlier hurt. In fact.
guilt kicks in, no matter
how I feel you may have
sought out conflict,
dished out more – and harsher —
than I could give. I still hurt,
and ache that I have stooped
to payback, to vendetta.
Forgiving feels right,
appropriate, with just a pinch
of better than, but right
and appropriate overcome,
and I march forward to living.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Equal Time

I became as compulsive about A.A. as I had been about drinking, which was necessary because I had been told to spend as much time at meetings as I had spent drinking. (Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th Edition, page 396)
Elsewhere the book says,
"What an order! I can't go through with it."
And probably I can't, at least for my worst
binging days. A position in my head, in my nerves,
in my heart – and car – as significant as food's grip...
A commitment to recovery as ironclad as determination
to ease the craving, to sate the passion for cloying goo?
God, give me that purity of purpose, that depth of passion
for recovery, for grace, for promises effectuated.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Pretty Much Perfect

When a United Methodist pastor is ordained, he or she is examined on these topics:
  • Have you faith in Christ?
  • Are you going on to perfection?
  • Do you expect to be made perfect in love in this life?
  • Are you earnestly striving after it? ~ Pastor Aaron
Perfection's not variegated, doesn't come in shades
like this or that, yes or no, black or white.
Perfection's beyond my pay grade, unattainable
with all my resources, with eons to reach it,
pouring all my soul into the chase. Yet our text says,
"We can be alone at perfect peace and ease."
How that can be has nothing to do with my work,
my striving. It's a gift of grace, unmerited, unearned...
a pretty much perfect gift.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Will You Give Up Your Power?

Willpower, finely honed through years of wear
against compulsion, against behaviors relegated
to private moments, hidden from sight, secret
obsessions. Willpower, threadbare, exhausted,
torpid, inert, deceased. These truths resonate, define
not just my life but my resolve.... Why, then, do I balk
when asked to give it up, to own this truth?
Is this not bondage, this slavery to my paltry efforts,
my habiliments of sanity? I say it, mostly mean it,
want to offer self to God. But the question resonates
through my head, over and over, louder and clearer.
But when will you give up your power? 
When can I accept?

Friday, March 9, 2012

Worse than Sticks and Stones

Not one hurtful thing about me that hit my ears has ever left my mind. (Travis Cottrell, Surprised By Worship)
You hurt me, don't you recall?
In 1982 – On Golden Pond.How can you have forgotten
what you said that day? I never will.
I play it in my mind each morning,
again when I see you or someone says your name.
I know you apologized the next day,
called early, shed tears, or so it seemed.
But I stoke the coals, keep the bitter burning,
evoke contempt at your vile words.
Others may perceive a kindly gentle man
but I know better, hold you in contempt
and know you'll never be as sweet as me.
And while resentments broil, who can blame me
should I keep a few behaviors to comfort me,
to make up for all the hurt you've caused me
through these years? It's your fault, you know,
this program doesn't work...

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Pain, the Teacher

A note in explanation:  Barbara Rollins, author with OAStepper of A Cloud of Witnesses, fell three weeks ago, damaging multiple tendons plus artery and nerve, and finds herself in pain with one functional hand for the foreseeable future.  Proofreading the book for publication in large print, she found herself blessed by her own words and shares the whole section here today. God is good all the time. Amen and amen.

Hebrews 2:18 (NLT)
Since he himself has gone through suffering and testing, he is able to help us when we are being tested.

Alcoholics Anonymous, Page 117
The faith and sincerity of both you and your husband will be put to the test. These work-outs should be regarded as part of your education, for thus you will be learning to live.

Pain is always the teacher,
which makes the pain
more tolerable
if I can just remember that,
if I can go past seeing some wisdom
and really buy into the notion.
Pain does make me more tolerant
of others facing their pain, their fears,
unless I take credit
for God’s grace
in creating in me
a better person.
When I forget the source of grace
I renounce the gift.
I forget
the Source.

God, the source of all that’s good
help me to trust you through the pain
of growth.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Holy Equality

A holy person is one whose body, mind, and spirit share an equality that was (and is) the intention and plan of God for all men. [Overeaters Anonymous, Second Edition (Kindle Locations 3067-3068)]
The three-legged stool – or is it a throne?
The simple program feels comfortable, homey
like an old stable of beloved animals,
real, basic, home before we ever get there.
But so real, so regal, so greater than splendid,
a tetrahedron worthy of gracing cathedrals,
a vessel to traverse galaxies, to explore molecules.
Grandiose yet common, the natural balance,
the harmony of body, mind and spirit attuned to God.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Doing Business

 I’m ready to do business. (Alcoholics Anonymous, page 159)
Doing business is agreement,
contract, commitment.
Telling the world your new name.
Success comes from a plan,
relying on folks with knowledge
of the path. The while picture, not bits,
pieces, the fun parts alone.
Doing business is serious, whole-hearted,
all in. Are you ready to do the business
of recovery?

Monday, March 5, 2012

When You Walk Through a Storm

Nature, logic, common sense
demand a hunker down, head down,
covered up, charge-through stance.
Avoid excess storm contact —
physical, emotional or mental.
The song in your head counters,
for what contrarian reward?
"You'll never walk alone."
Doesn't never include head-down?
What else? Don't miss the lightning show?
Feel the might of gales? Avoid muscle ache
from tensed, stooped backs?
No, not the payoff, not enough...
it's the fear, faced, confronted,
acknowledged on a par. It's the act
of disdaining fear that makes true
the peace to finally, fully hear
the sweet silver song of the larks.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

I Am Loved

Pain, frustration, fatigue,
unmet obligations, impediments
roadblocking forward movement.
What have I to share, to encourage?
How can I comfort when energy lags?
I know I’m cared for, cared about,
that others will bear my load,
lend a hand, walk with me.
I stand surrounded by a cloud of witnesses
who love me. And I know and can affirm
you do, too. I love you who love me
whether we’re close or never met.
I bear witness to a circle of love
in which you stand. I know. I’m there, too.
And we stand in love.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Real Peace

Great people not only do great things, but they like themselves too. That is real peace. ~ Martin Torsey
Accomplishments with self-respect,
big acts with honesty within, integrity.
Great things no matter what gets in the way,
but knowing when to pull back, mend, heal.
Balance facilitates greater greatness, real peace. 

Friday, March 2, 2012

Making Miracles

Sea of Galilee, © Kaye Schwertner
Miracles, sure, thousands of years ago.
Miracles today? Lord, I believe,
help my unbelief. Even in my great grandfather's time.
Credible witnesses I know well, so belief comes easier
than distrust in the reports. Past miracles, incredible.
Yet credible. And safely in the past.
But what of the promises?
New freedom, new happiness,
no regret about the past nor urge to shut the door.
Comprehend serenity, know peace? And more.
Miracles for sure, but happening. But fishes, loaves
abundantly? Lazarus, buried three days?
The man with the withered hand.... That's the kicker
right now, so personal, so impossible. Woe ye, me,
of diminutive faith.  Lord, I believe, help my unbelief.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Sudden and Profound

Fearful, angry, defiant.
I'll do it myself – this mess
is a mistake, I'll fix it soon.
I don't need your suggestions,
get out of my face,
you don't have a clue.
You're too stupid to understand.
Leave me alone!
I don't know why nobody likes me.

Confident, compassionate, understanding.
Let's look at this together – nothing's too tough,
we can work trough, we all make mistakes.
What do you think? I welcome your insight.
The joy in your face! Can I hug you?
It isn't that tough, this books tells the way.
Don't worry, it's simple – not easy! But simple.
I'm glad you're with me, so I'm not so alone.
Your love warms my heart.