Tuesday, March 21, 2017

What Lengths?

If you have decided you want what we have and are willing to go to any length to get it--then you are ready to take certain steps.Alcoholics Anonymous page 58

It seems a given when we arrive
we're willing to go to any lengths.
Isn't it obvious? Haven't we already?
We had major surgery, had our jaws wired shut,
gave ourselves shots in our stomach,
had pins inserted in our ears,
were hypnotized, fasted, ate absurd diets,
caused ourselves to vomit what we ate,
starved ourselves, abused laxatives...
surely we'd already tried everything possible.
But take certain steps? Admit we're powerless?
Turn our whole lives over to some supernatural spirit?
List every time we ever did wrong, then tell someone?
Give up our habits, our ways of coping?
'fess up to everybody we ever hurt or cheated?
Hey, I never got my jaws wired. Maybe I should try that!!

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