Saturday, December 10, 2016

Weeding the Garden

Step6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
Step 7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
Weeding ideas from
Weeds are nature’s healing remedy for sites that are in a wounded,
plantless state, but weeds and gardeners
have different ideas of what makes for a good recovery.
Character defects are nature’s healing remedy for people
who are in a wounded, growthless state, but shortcomings
and we have different ideas of what makes for a good Recovery.
Every square inch of a garden contains weed seeds;
those in the top inch or two get enough light to trigger germination.
There's a reason the Seventh Step prayer gives H.P. the option to choose.
Don't rush to rid your life of shortcomings —
every single defect of character which stands in the way
of my usefulness to You and my fellows.
Use mulch to keep light from awakening weed seeds
Prayer and meditation protect us from exposing defects,
letting them germinate. Get today's weeds today.
Tomorrow they'll be tougher and twice as numerous.
Weed your garden one day at a time.
Chop off weed heads, use a sharp tool to get roots.
Use your recovery tools, meetings, sponsor, literature,
writing, a plan of eating, an action plan, anonymity
and service. Keep the soil warm and dark with mulch.
Work a hardy program, living in the spirit
to warm your heart.

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