Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Service Gets Me Out of Self

Service gets me out of self and when I’m out of self I can put another twenty-four hours together. ~ Jhe T
12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to compulsive overeaters and to practice these principles in all our affairs. ~ Step 12
How is it that service is a tool?
The tools help us work the Steps
and refrain from compulsive overeating.
So, carrying the key to unlock the meeting room,
keeping up with literature, sending emails,
making phone calls, sponsoring, taking minutes,
greeting people, setting up chairs
and putting them up...all kinds of service.
So, how does it help us work the Steps
and eat right? Sponsoring does, of course.
You lead someone else through the Steps
and learn them in a different way. Carrying keys
means coming to meetings, and that helps.
Serving on committees? The committee meetings
do business but they're meetings, all the same,
where two or three are gathered together.
Talking to newcomers, to people we meet
on the street, in doctor's offices,
among our friends and associates.
Service. Any way, every way.
It gives us the power to do the next right thing
for twenty-four hours, over and over,
then over again.

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