Thursday, February 4, 2016

Apply Heat

Brand new, excited about program.
Ready to do this, prepared to be amazed.
Quickly, change happens. You really can
go through a day without sugar.
You actually manage to stop and think
before putting food in your mouth.
You get a sponsor, talk to her,
find she makes some sense.
The first month rocks, changes often,
each day better, another discovery.
Then repetition sets in. It's all still good
but the new's gone, it's the same,
if changes are happening, you're not sure...
it seems the same. Your life is contained,
like stew in a pot. Life happens,
and life applies pressure, which is heat.
You keep on keeping on until suddenly
you examine what you have. Still the same,
still stew in a pot...but richer, better,
more satisfying. Recovery happened
when you stayed there, working on it,
and it's hard to imagine how rich it can be
if you continue to expose your life
to the flame of the program.
apply heat

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