Monday, May 4, 2015

But Is It Fattening?

Introductory Note: The first issue of Recovery Daily Dose was posted May 4, 2011, with one every day (or darned close to it) since then. There are 1464 published posts counting this at and 1454 on the site. There have been 1461 days. I actually tried to find the discrepancies and couldn't / didn't do it. But the support of every person who has read just one is greatly appreciated.

Eating crow, swallowing your pride, words,
a bitter pill, strain at gnats and swallow camels,
food for thought, hook, line, and sinker,
wanting the ground to swallow you, 
the cat eating the canary, being chewed out, 
dog eat dog, eat crow, hat, humble pie, eat at you,
bites the dust, bite your tongue, eat someone alive,
eat shit, eat cake but have it, eating out of my hand,
chew it over, bite off more than you can chew,
chewed out, chew the fat, ingest it all, eat up time,
gnaw on that for a while, lead a horse to water,
drink it in, the icing on the cake, have your cake and...
eat it? eat over it? taste the temptation, purge the disgust?Emotions are what we eat over, so maybe it's normal
to speak in terms of food. But we can do all these things

with the awful (or wonderful) emotions and take no action
to fix them with anything that keeps us from moving
toward a healthy body weight.

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