Thursday, November 27, 2014


I'm thankful this Thanksgiving day,
but not just today...every day.
I'm grateful for family who care for me,
love me, support me, bring me joy.
I'm grateful for friends who build me up,
who encourage me, who give me hope,
who allow me to grow by guiding them.
I'm grateful for a family in recovery,
those homefolk I never knew before
but who often feel more like family
than blood kin, who have walked my path.
I'm grateful for a power greater than I
who guides me, loves me, gives me meaning.
I'm grateful for the world, for plants,
animals, minerals, weather, for beauty
and inspiration and contemplation.
I'm grateful for technology, for face to face,
for solitude and crowds, for company and
isolation. I'm thankful for history,
for heroes, for role models, for sages,
for needy people who put into perspective
the importance of love and place of things.
I'm grateful for infants and aged, 
for health and illness, for sacred and profane.
I'm grateful for a chance to sit back and watch
and to interact with others, to experience life
and to give forward what blessings I've received.

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