Friday, October 4, 2013

Waiting for My Soul

On the first morning, they all woke up early and traveled fast and covered a great distance. The second morning was the same—woke up early, traveled fast, and traveled far. Third morning, same thing. But on the fourth morning, the local hired help refused to move. Instead, they sat by a tree in the shade well into the morning. The American traveler became incensed and irate and said to his translator, "This is a waste of valuable time. Can someone tell me what's going on here?" The translator looked at him and calmly answered, "They're waiting for their souls to catch up with their bodies." ~
Meditate? I plan to.
I plan to every day,
day after day...tomorrow.
But most days, today,
I don't have time.
What? Computer games?
Facebook? Email?
Audiobooks? I've the time.
I hurry, hurry, scurry, hurry
bypassing the meditation couch,
forgetting to pray or even read
two brief daily reading books.
I write these poems each night,
publish them in the morning
between another round of a game
while listening to a novel...
I hurry, but never take the time
to pause...and let
my soul

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