In my journey of recovery, I am called to be the best person I can be and to respect others for who they are. As I work toward those goals, I become truly equal and in harmony with life. ~ Voices of Recovery (Kindle Locations 2494-2495)I can't aspire to rival you
or match my triumphs to his.
I am me, have my gifts,
which don't match your strengths.
If I set out to best you,
to set the standard,
watching you over my shoulder,
I stumble, wander, fail
to reach my mark.
When I am me, accepting that,
and strive to best my past...
when I ignore jealousy,
envy, my discontent not being you,
I leave you to your pursuit
and cleave to mine,
as each becomes our best,
as — alone — we make a team.